Young Person Led Event #FeelGoodBoro Saturday 14th July Middlesbrough Town Hall
Background… The Children and Learning Scrutiny panel met with the youth apprentices at Hemlington Linx. It was discussed that young people want to organise and run an event for young people and families The participation officer, The CAMHS/Headstarters project officer got together with the young people at Linx and discussed forward plans. Ben Carr the Member of Youth Parliament, Bethany Morley The RAD Participation apprentice; James Woodgate the Engagement and Communications apprentice and the Children in Care Council are working with the Hemlington Linx apprentices to organise this and the professionals will over see this.
-Employability skills Aims… To have an event led and run by young people FOR young people and families. To showcase all the services in Middlesbrough that are accessible for families To run workshops around issues that affect the young people of Middesbrough such as: -Drug & Alcohol misuse -Independence Skills -Mental Health -Employability skills Celebrate the difference cultures of families in Middlesbrough Allow children and young people to showcase their talents To link local businesses up with the children and young people of Middlesbrough To consult with children, young people and families around various subjects Find out what children, young people and families want to see in their Town Hall
Benefits… People of Middlesbrough get to celebrate the culture of Middlesbrough by getting together The Children, Young People and Families of Middlesbrough get to have a say in what their Town Hall will be used for The Young People of Middlesbrough have an opportunity to organise and run and event specifically for them and their families/carers Children, young people and families are able to explore the services that are available to them and find out to access those services We give something back to the children, young people and families of Middlesbrough. Middlesbrough's partners; services; businesses and groups all get the opportunity to link up We have the opportunity to consult with a large number of children, young people and families around what the services of Middlesbrough should be offering to meet their needs.