Averaged LSPS-induced excitation maps obtained from pyramidal and fast-spiking neurons in Layer II/III IC of sham and 1w-IANX rats. Averaged LSPS-induced excitation maps obtained from pyramidal and fast-spiking neurons in Layer II/III IC of sham and 1w-IANX rats. A, Excitation maps obtained from pyramidal neurons in sham (n = 14; left) and 1w-IANX (n = 18; right) rats. The maps were aligned to the reference of the line of the pial surface and vertical axis perpendicular to the pial surface. Recorded pyramidal neurons are located within the white quadrangles. Note that pyramidal neurons receive dense excitatory inputs from deeper layers that correspond to Layer IV and superficial Layer V. B, Averaged charge transfer obtained from area enclosed by red quadrangles shown in A was compared. The charge transfer from pyramidal neurons in the 1w-IANX group was larger than that in the sham group at depths from 500 to 1000 μm from the pial surface. C, Excitation maps obtained from fast-spiking neurons in the sham (n = 19; left) and 1w-IANX (n = 10; right) groups. Recorded fast-spiking neurons are located within the white quadrangles. Note that fast-spiking neurons receive dense excitatory inputs from deeper layers that correspond to Layer IV and superficial Layer V. D, Averaged charge transfer of fast-spiking neurons in the 1w-IANX group is larger than that in the sham group at depths from 500 to 750 μm from the pial surface; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, Student’s t test. Satoshi Fujita et al. eNeuro 2019;6:ENEURO.0462-18.2019 ©2019 by Society for Neuroscience