Learning Outcomes & Back to Basics In-service Course PRT Learning Outcomes & Back to Basics ARUNESH VAISH, HM
LEARNING OUTCOMES It is devised by NCERT in 2016-17 which have a clear cut Class wise Quantitative parameters for learning indicators.
LEARNING OUTCOMES One cannot alter the outcomes under any circumstance by any means. It is a defined targeted ELOs for study in various classes.
LEARNING OUTCOMES HISTORY 1996 – MLL (Minimum Learning Level) 2. 2003 - Learning Indicators 3. 2017 – Learning Outcome
BACK TO BASICS ‘Back to Basics’ is a PROJECT of KVS to attain learning outcomes by NCERT.
BACK TO BASICS ‘Back to Basics’ enables a student to appear :- NAS (National Achievement Survey) PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) ASER (Annual Status of Education Report) JRM (Joint Review Mission by MHRD) SLATE (Student Learning Attainment for Targeted Empowerment)
BACK TO BASICS DESIGN PURPOSES A framework and tool designed in the Workshop “Back to Basics” @ KVS RO Varanasi ( 22-24 Sept.2016) PURPOSES Monitoring of Implementation of the standardized Material produced in the Workshop Assessment for Mastery learning of Basics
BACK TO BASICS IMPLEMENTATION Training of a team (One Assistant Commissioner , One Principal and One Head Master) at Banglore (21-23 Dec. 2016) Training in every Region for Every School in Jan 2017. Training in Every School for every teacher in Jan - Feb 2017.
BACK TO BASICS ROLE OF A TEACHER Teacher is the sole authority to execute the Learning Outcome attainment in KVS by using B2B tools. Planning & Preparation Implementation Assessment Recording & Reporting
ROLE OF TEACHER PLANNING & PREPARATION:- Read , Understand and conceptualize the Unit/ Lesson/ Chapter . Identify the TLOs for the Unit/ Lesson/ Chapter wise using the NCERT’s Learning Outcomes. This has to be done in subject committee Meetings, and all parallel teachers are to have the same ELOs List them Unit/ Lesson/ Chapter wise Take the help of Back to Basic tools. Prepare the lesson plan.
ROLE OF TEACHER IMPLEMENTATION Plan the lesson in 1/3 time allotted by KVS. Develop the lesson. Perform LAT (Learner Achievement Test) just after each lesson. Use another 1/3 time for Spiral Learning after each unit. Perform LAT (Learner Achievement Test) just after each unit. Now use remaining 1/3 time for second round of spiral learning at the end of session
ROLE OF TEACHER ASSESMENT Prepare a Percentage report for Chapterwise LAT and make a STRATEGY for slow learners. Submit a report of such slow learners to your Supervisor for further action at the end of month.
ROLE OF TEACHER RECORDING & REPORTING:- This is to be done only after the assessment and data of the same will be recorded and reported by the teacher. However no prescribed format for recording has been developed. It is upto Subject Teacher itself. Reporting of the LAT must be in format 1(B) at the end of month.