Inspire: status oktober 2009 In September 2009 the INSPIRE Thematic Working Groups, the Data Specification Drafting Team, and the INSPIRE Team finalised the third version of Data Specifications. Based on these, the Commission, with support of the TWGs and the Data Specification Drafting Team, has drafted the legal text of the Implementing Rule for Interoperability of Spatial Datasets and Services, which will be submitted for Inter-Service Consultation in October 2009. The Data Specifications are published as Guidelines for the INSPIRE Annex I data themes. They will supplement the Implementing Rule for Interoperability of Spatial Datasets and Services and enable preparation for implementation. Together with the relevant materials (GML application schemas, UML models and registries), they will support the implementation and provide a better understanding of the requirements of the Implementing Rule
The guidelines and the related supporting materials are now publicly available. INSPIRE Data Specification on Transport Networks - Guidelines 02.10.2009 INSPIRE Specification on Coordinate Reference Systems - Guidelines 07.09.2009 GML Application Schemas 02.10.2009 Guidelines for the encoding of spatial data, version 3.1 07.09.2009 INSPIRE Generic Conceptual Model, Version 3.2 07.09.2009 INSPIRE Feature Concept Dictionary
Hvad skal vi nu? INSPIRE kräver kun, at man leverer data, man allerede har - der skal altså ikke ske indsamling af nye data på grund af INSPIRE Metadata av datagrunlager 15.5.2010 Hvert lands vejväsen skal undersöge, hvilke vejdata det enkelte land kan levere Udfordring: Definitioner og klassificeringer kan väre forskellige (mapping rules) Rapportering af national status, planer og erfaringer til sommermöde 2010
Links Data specifikationer for transport networks (guidelines): Nationale INSPIRE sider: