Career and College Promise Bi-Monthly Skype Update Meeting May 16, 2017
Topics Career Cluster Guide Update Welcome and Introductions Career Cluster Guide Update Reminder - Term Eligibility and State Board Code CCP Operating Procedures – Future Updates Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Pathway (P1032C) and Provisional Status Awarding Degrees PSAT 3 Digit Scores vs. 2 Digit Scores Replacement for Explore for 9th and 10th Grader Eligibility CCP/CIHS in the Senate Version of the Budget Audit and Compliance Updates Performance Summit – Next CCP Meeting Next CCP Skype Meeting 8/25/2019
Career Cluster Guide Update Dr. Bob Witchger Feedback needed for the update of the Career Cluster Guide 8/25/2019
Term Eligibility and CCP Student Enrollment Amendment of 1E SBCCC 800.2 – “General Provisions” On 20 January 2017, the State Board of Community Colleges (“SBCC”) voted to amend 1E SBCCC 800.2 – “General Provisions.” The SBCC amended 1E SBCCC 800.2 – “General Provisions” to clarify the issue of waiver eligibility when a student’s status may change mid-term. The intent is for the waiver to apply to any course section offered during the academic term, regardless of when the term starts, if a student meets the eligibility requirements as of the first day of the term. 8/25/2019
Term Eligibility and CCP Student Enrollment The updated section of code requires students be eligible for the CCP program on the first day of the term in order to be eligible for the waiver. If the student is eligible at the beginning of the term, they are eligible for the whole term. Think whole term - not sessions. This is a shift from the way we previously advised students in CCP. This change may impact rising juniors as they may not be eligible at the start of the term (i.e. summer). Seniors will still be enrolled in high school (and still in CCP) at the start of the term. Therefore, they will still be eligible for the waiver because they are eligible at the beginning of the term. (Example: The college summer term runs from May 15 – Aug 1. The student would be eligible for classes offered between May 15 – Aug 1.) Please note, term in the above reference means the entire term (Fall, Spring, or Summer). 8/25/2019
CCP Operating Procedure: Future Updates The next update to the CCP Operating Procedures will be presented to State Board for future action in July and action in August. Here are the upcoming changes: Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Pathway (P1032C) and Provisional Status Awarding Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees PSAT 3 Digit Scores vs. 2 Digit Scores Replacement for Explore for 9th and 10th Grader Eligibility 8/25/2019
***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** CCP Operating Procedures: Future Updates – ADN Pathway/Provisional Entry Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Pathway (P1032C) and Provisional Status The ADN pathway does not include a math course. However, the AGE-Nursing degree (which the ADN pathway is a part of) does contain a math course. To clarify provisional status for ADN pathway students, the following statement will be added to the provisional status section: **Provisional students in the ADN pathway must complete the first math in the AGE - Nursing degree with a "C "or higher and ENG 111 in the pathway with a "C" or higher before being fully admitted to the ADN pathway.** ***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** 8/25/2019
***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** CCP Operating Procedures: Future Updates – Awarding Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees An update will be made to the graduation section of the Operating Procedures to allow colleges to award degrees, diplomas, or certificates prior to high school graduation. This change comes as the result of feedback from our colleges and discussions with System Office leadership. ***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** 8/25/2019
***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** CCP Operating Procedures: Future Updates – Awarding Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees ***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** 8/25/2019
CCP Operating Procedures: Future Updates – 2015 PSAT 3 Digit Scores PSAT 3 Digit Scores vs. 2 Digit Scores Several colleges have expressed the need to include the 3 digit score for the 2015 PSAT as one of the metrics used as an approved assessment benchmark. With this in mind, we will be adding the 3 digit cut score as an option for the 2015 PSAT. The cut score will reflect the “Backcast” grade level benchmarks for 11th grade. ***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** 8/25/2019
CCP Operating Procedures – Future Updates ***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** 8/25/2019
***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** CCP Operating Procedures: Future Updates – Replacement for Explore Scores DPI is in process of recommending an assessment score to replace the Explore test (which is no longer offered). Once we receive the recommendation, it will be included in the Operating Procedures update. ***All changes are pending State Board Approval*** 8/25/2019
CCP/CIHS in the Senate Version of the Budget The Senate version of the budget includes the following items related to CIHS/CCP SECTION 7.22.(b) a study to look at reducing funds for CIHS programs for established schools and focus on supporting new CIHS programs in economically distressed areas of the state. The study proposed will be joint between NCCCS, DPI, UNCGA and will report on: costs associated with the Career and College Promise Program, including operation of cooperative innovative high schools and the cost of concurrent enrollment in the high school and the institution of higher education, student outcomes related to the Program, and any legislative recommendations on modifications to the administration and funding for the Program, including the use of State funds for the planning and establishment of new cooperative innovative high schools in economically distressed areas of the State. Legislative recommendations shall also specifically address the use of the funds for the cooperative innovative high school allotment, whether the allotment is necessary for the operation of the schools, and how modification or discontinuation of the allotment would impact the programs. 8/25/2019
CCP/CIHS in the Senate Version of the Budget Beyond the study, the budget proposes the following funding reduction for existing CIHS programs: SECTION 7.22.(c) CIHS in tier III areas A school that has received an allotment for at least 3 of the prior fiscal years shall be reduced by 25% in 2017-18 and a 50% reduction in 2018-19 SECTION 7.22.(e) CIHS in tier I areas CIHS programs that did not receive funding in a prior fiscal year and are located in a tier I area and were approved as of July 1, 2017 by the State Board of Education: For the 2017-2018 fiscal year, any of the remaining funds available after the Department allocates funds to the local school administrative units as required by subsection (d) of this section shall be allocated in equal amounts by the Department to local school administrative units for each eligible cooperative innovative high school located in the unit. For the 2018-2019 fiscal year, any of the remaining funds available after the Department allocates funds to the local school administrative units as required by subsection (d) of this section shall be allocated in equal amounts of up to three hundred sixteen thousand six hundred forty-six dollars ($316,646) to local school administrative units for each eligible cooperative innovative high school located in the unit. 8/25/2019
CCP/CIHS in the Senate Version of the Budget SECTION 7.22.(f) Reporting Requirement on the Career and College Promise In addition to the evaluation of cooperative innovative high schools by the State Board of Education pursuant to G.S. 115C-238.55, the State Board of Community Colleges, in conjunction with the State Board of Education and the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina, shall evaluate the success of students participating in the Career and College Promise Program, including the College Transfer pathway and the Career and Technical Education pathway. Success shall be measured by: high school retention rates high school completion rates high school dropout rates certification and associate degree completion admission to four-year institutions postgraduation employment in career or study-related fields, and employer satisfaction of employees who participated in the programs. The Boards shall jointly report by January 15 of each year to the Joint Legislative Education Oversight Committee. 8/25/2019
CCP/CIHS in the Senate Version of the Budget SECTION 7.22.(g) Certain CIHSs Operating Without Additional Funds. Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year and for subsequent school years thereafter, notwithstanding G.S. 115C-238.51A(c) and G.S. 115C-238.54 Charlotte Middle College at Merancas Campus Charlotte Teacher Cadet Early College Harnett County Early College Agriculture and Science Early College Onslow Early College High School, and Wake CTE High School North shall be permitted to operate in accordance with G.S. 115C-238.53 and G.S. 115C-238.54 as cooperative innovative high schools approved under 39 G.S. 115C-238.51A(c) and shall be subject to the evaluation requirements of G.S. 115C-238.55. 8/25/2019
North Carolina County Tier Designation Map 8/25/2019
Budget Process – Next Steps The House will prepare their own version of the budget. Then, the General Assembly will go into conference to prepare the final budget. We will share information as we receive it. 8/25/2019
Audit and Compliance Updates Libby Self, Director of Accountability and Compliance Training 8/25/2019
NC Community College Performance Partnership Summit – Next CCP Meeting The next face-to-face CCP meeting will be held July 24th at the Embassy Suites Raleigh - Durham/RTP (Cary) as part of the Performance Partnership Summit. Link to event: Link to Registration: 8/25/2019
Bi-Monthly CCP Coordinator Skype Meetings Mark your calendars: The next CCP Skype Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 19th 9:30-10:30am. There will be no Skype meeting in July because we will be meeting at the Performance Partnership Summit. 8/25/2019
For more information: Lisa Mabe Eads, Ph.D. 919.807.7133