Parents’ Welcome Evening, Thursday 9th May All information will be on the school website
Mr J Malone Academy Principal
AN OUTSTANDING SCHOOL Our students' progress at GCSE (from KS2 starting points) has ranked our school in the top 12% of all schools nationally for three consecutive years 2016-18, which ranks us as one of the highest performing GCSE schools in the country Our students' progress at A Level (from their GCSE starting points) has ranked our school in the top 10% nationally for two of the last three years 2016-18 We have also recently been awarded status as an International Baccalaureate World School, which means we can deliver an IB pathway in Year 12-13, in addition to the traditional A Level pathway
Year 6 to 7 Transition - Key Dates Year 5 Taster Day Open Evening - October 2018 Year 6 Welcome Evening - Tonight, May 9th CATs Tests - Saturday June 22nd Students meet House Leaders and Staff - Monday 1st July Year 6 Induction Day -Thursday July 4th First day at St Simon Stock Catholic School - Tuesday 3rd September
CATS Testing
What are CATs? Verbal Quantitative Non-verbal Spatial
What do CATs results show? Information Comparisons Predictions
House Induction Evening
House Induction Evening From 4:00pm until 6:00pm Meet other students in their House Group and Tutor Group Monday July 1st
Year 6 Taster Day Full School Day on Thursday 4th July Primary School Uniform Welcome Picnic for pupils/parents (weather permitting), followed by Welcome Mass
First Day Tuesday 3rd September
Starting School 8.30 am arrival Welcome Assembly with Mr Malone and Mrs Rodell-Jones Spend the morning with their House Leader and Form Tutor
Student Grouping
Gathering Data Key Stage 2 SATs results Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs) Visits to the primary school in June and July when meetings with the Year 6 Teacher or Head teacher take place
Visits to Primary School Take place in June and July Meet with Year 6 Teacher or Head-teacher Meet with Year 6 children
Placing students into Groups Cohort divided into two equal prior attainment bands - Simon known as SI & Stock known as ST Students of similar prior attainment are taught together in teaching groups for most subjects.
Monitoring progress Talking and listening to our students Cumulative knowledge tests – deep learning Subject teachers, Personal Tutors and House Leaders monitoring work Information from Parents Interim progress reviews, including review of teaching groups Annual written report
Supporting our students Form Tutors House Leaders School Youth Chaplain – Miss Bassett Y7 & Y8 Pastoral Support Manager – Mrs Pilcher Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) – Ms Goldson Attendance Officer – Mrs Ellesmere
Supporting Students Peer Mentors Subject Mentors Sixth Form Mentors Buddies Young Interpreter
Growth Mindset Character Resilience Challenge Perseverance
Parental Engagement Learning continues at home Parents must support the school philosophy E.g. growth mindset, praise, ‘can do’, resilience Learning is a lifelong journey Home-School Agreement Parental information evenings throughout all years
Rewards Informal praise Letters/cards Merit points Year Awards Lapel badges Pride of Stocky
Enrichment Activities Enrichment Days Staff offer a wide variety of Enrichment Activities These activities include sports, technology, and arts clubs
Transport to School Bus Pass, known as: Young Person’s Travel Pass Apply from approximately 3rd June 2019 and by no later than mid-July. **£290 for whole year, **£100 for pupils in receipt of free school meals (or **£145 for half-yearly pass/**£50 for pupils in receipt of free school meals). Telephone: 03000 41 84 84 or visit: Passes are sent to school for distribution at the start of term Check on KCC website prior to applying **Travel pass prices may be subject to increase
Next Meeting The Welcome Meeting - July 1st 2019, 4.00pm to 6.00pm Key staff available to meet Information about school day, canteen, transport and lockers. Answering your questions. Students meet their house leader and meet the people in their form.