Anna and the king Maha Nasser H00293599
Masculinity vs. Femininity The man who had translated the words of Anna to the Prime Minister was calling Anna sir, and when she asked him why does he call her sir he answered that there is no women stand in his highness. Hofsted has custom this attitude in his culture studies as a masculinity which is in that case was about not having women stands in the front of Prime Minister because mens are always above women and the have the right to talk. Masculinity Score: UK(66), Thailand(34)
High context culture In this scene the primer minister was asking anna a personal questions such as when his husband dead, how did he die. the she said that she is there to teach the king’s sin and its not necessary to ask a personal questions. Anna was from a low context culture, because she find it impolite to do that. But in high context culture (Thais culture) they care more about building a close relationship ,So they have to ask a personal questions to be polite.
Power distance In the presence of the king everyone was bowing to him. but anna was not because of the difference between Thai’s culture and British culture. Bowing is a cultural thing to do in Thailand to show respect when you meet the king. But in British culture they show respect by another type of greeting a president which is leading their head down. Score of power distance: UK(35) Thailand(64)
Masculinity vs. Femininity When the sin of the king told lewis to not say sorry to a women because in Thailand they don’t. But lewis said sorry to his mother because in British its ok to say sorry to a women. In Thailand culture the masculinity has a high score because they feel that the man have the power and the right for every thing, but its not like that in the British culture, because women are almost equal with man in their rights. Masculinity Score: UK(66), Thailand(34)
Indulgence When anna try to change the judgment and she said that she will go to the king and to change the rules the king was upset because he thought of his power and his place in society which is the issue of saving face. Thais are more likely interested in face saving, and to not lose their place in their society . But British can do what they want and they don't care about face saving. Indulgence score : UK (69) Thailand(45)
References National Culture. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2016, from The Hofstede Centre: http://geert-