American Revolution: Battle of Monmouth
A. Gen Clinton replaces Gen Howe General Henry Clinton
1. Gen Clinton is ordered to leave Philadelphia and return to NYC
2. Leaves Philadelphia with 10 miles of. war booty 2. Leaves Philadelphia with 10 miles of war booty (goods, property, personal items taken by force during times of war).
3. Washington attacks him at Monmouth, NJ in June 28, 1778
4. General Lee (Americans) leads Patriot attack and then retreats army
5. Washington. fires. Lee and personally. regroups 5. Washington fires Lee and personally regroups army to lead counter-attack. Puts himself within firing range of British muskets.
6. Clinton retreats to NYC at night . Washington confronts Lee and relieves him of duties and later court-martialed
7. Battle of Monmouth - considered a. tie. for both sides 7. Battle of Monmouth - considered a tie for both sides. Von Steuben's training makes a big difference .