PRESENT CONTINUOUS -ING SPELLING RULES Actions in progress Ex. The climate is getting warmer Actions happening now Ex. I am making a sandwich Temporary situations Ex. He is working in an office at the moment Annoying actions Ex. I am going to Italy next week Planned events in the future Ex. I am going to Italy next week Verbs ending in IE : - Y ING Es. dIE - d YING Verbs ending in mute E : - ing Es. writE - writ ING 1 syllable: double consonant+ing Es. run - ru NNING sit - si TTING -ING 2 syllables: Verbs ending in C : -KING Es. panic - panic KING SPELLING RULES stressed: double consonant+ing admìt - admì TTING commìt - commì TTING NOT stressed: ing tàrget - tàrget ING vìsit - vìsit ING
Auxiliary verb TO BE TIME EXPRESSIONS At the moment Right now Today These days This week/month/year Currently
Some state verbs can take both forms STATIVE VERBS Verbs describing states and not dynamic actions MENTAL ACTIVITIES, OPINIONS Think, agree, believe, know, understand, imagine,realise, recognise, forget FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS Love, (dis)like, prefer, hate ,wish, want SENSE PERCEPTION Feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch AUXILIARIES Be, have (possess) OTHER STATES Own, belong, seem, appear THINK: I’m thinking about you (mental activity) / I think you’re right (opinion) FEEL: I feel good (emotion) / I’m feeling the fabric of this scarf (touch, action) HAVE: I have two brothers (possession) / I’m having fun- a shower - breakfast (action) SEE: I can see you (sense percetion) / I’m seeing my friend now (action) SMELL: It smells good (sense percetion) / I’m smelling the roses (action) Some state verbs can take both forms
Colloquial form. It means «mi sto godendo qualcosa»