Revised A&D Charges – Effective from July 1st 2019
Revised A&D Charges and values to ‘upfront’ payments for DGHV and DGEHV market segments On July 1st UKPN Assessment & Design Charge tables are changing The ‘upfront’ component of those charges (applicable only to generation connections in the HV and EHV categories) are also changing The attached information provides a quick reference to the new ‘upfront’ values (which will be published in a revised CCCMS that shall be effective from 01 July 2019) Please note: There is no change to the process for administering the ‘upfront’ component of the A&D Charge
New DGHV and DGEHV values of upfront & on acceptance payments required effective from July 1st 2019
Existing values valid from 29th May 2018 up to midnight 30th June 2019 (for information only) To be discontinued
If you require further assistance For queries in relation to the revised values of the A&D Charge please email Paul King at or contact on: 01279 824839 or 03306 845 182 For queries in relation to the process to be followed, which has not changed please email Richard White at or contact on: 07875 118754 For queries in relation to the Connection Offer Expenses or of a Connection Charge nature, which has also not changed please email Will Hammond at or contact on: 01279 824745 or 07875 116242 For any other queries in relation to the introduction of these revised A&D Charges please email Martin Brace at or contact on: 07875 110763