What one inspired person can accomplish! The Power of One What one inspired person can accomplish!
People You Should Know Saul of Tarsus (Paul) Persecuted the church Took Christ's intervention to get his attention Went from non-believer to believer in the blink of an eye After his baptism, he became Christ's foremost spokeman.
People You Should Know Philip the Apostle Told his brother, Nathaniel, that he had found the Messiah. Shared the good news as soon as he could.
People You Should Know Philip One of seven deacons selected for the Jerusalem church. Preached in Samaria and converted many to Christianity. Converted the Ethiopian eunuch, who helped create the oldest Christian nation.
People You Should Know Abraham Left home because God said to. Believed in God and had a son in his old age. His descendants as many as the sands. Three world religions – Jewry, Islam and, the true one Christianity.
People You Should Know Joseph A boy sold into slavery. Arose to become the second to the Pharaoh. Saved his family from starvation and got them a place to live. A forerunner of Moses.
People You Should Know Moses Condemned to die for being born. Grew up in Pharaoh's palace. Became God's law-giver to the Israelis. Led the Israelis to the land promised by God.
People You Should Know Joshua God's choice to replace Moses. Lead the conquest of Promised Land. “Choose you this day whom you will follow, but as for me and my family we will follow God.”
People You Should Know David A shepherd boy Faced Goliath, the Philistine giant. Killed the giant and went on to become King of Israel. A direct relative of Jesus.
People You Should Know Noah Found favor in the eyes of God. Built a boat when it had never even rained before. Trusted God to bring them safely through. His family repopulated the earth after the flood.
People You Should Know Samaritan Woman Came to draw water. Jesus asked for drink. Surprised the woman – Jews did not associate with Samaritans. Jesus asked her to call her husband. Jesus tells her about herself.
People You Should Know Samaritan Woman (2) She denied having a husband. Jesus tells her things about her past. Calls people of city to come out and listen to Christ. Asked Christ to stay with them for a while. They believed because they heard him speak.
People You Should Know Christ Left heaven and became human. Only to do His Father's will. We count time from his birth. Fulfilled the law, never broke it. Tore down all the religions of that time. Promotes a God of Love.