Science/ Social Studies A Peek at This Month in… Mrs. Guinta’s 3rd Grade Class November Reminders We are awaiting our pen-pal responses. The students are very excited about this fun activity. This month we have a few events. Please see below. Math We are beginning to memorize our Multiplication Tables. Please practice the multiplication facts with your child each night. Reading We continue to learn how to ask/answer questions referring explicitly to the text in Literature and Informational Text. We are adding in story structure. Spelling/Vocabulary We are working on the vocabulary words from the text and spelling words with vowel–consonant–e and long vowel sounds. I have sent home a letter asking for donations for the Thanksgiving Basket Drive. Each class at STS creates a food basket for a family in need in our parish. Writing We are learning about Singular and Plural Nouns. We are also working on writing an Opinion essay Science/ Social Studies In Social Studies, we are learning about the different Native American groups in California. In Science, we are learning about how Animals and People can change an ecosystem Upcoming Events PE is every Friday – Make sure to wear the proper uniform. Library is every Tuesday – Students need to return their book every week. November 12 – No School Veteran’s Day November 21 – 12:15 dismissal (NO AFTERSCHOOL) November 22-26 Thanksgiving Break Religion We continue to learn about how God love’s us and how he has shown his love to different people.