Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us! Part 1
How are you and I drawing a picture of God every day? 8/27/2019 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!
Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us! How did Jesus’ death affect the issues at stake in the great controversy? 8/27/2019 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!
In what ways does our picture of God shape our character? 8/27/2019 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!
Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us! Can we come into such a close relationship with Jesus that His will becomes our will? 8/27/2019 Our Lord’s Last Awful Week— but What a Week It Was for Us!