Variations of Solar Acoustic Radius from GONG low-L data Shukur Kholikov NSO/GONG
Outline Auto-correlation analysis Data: GONG, BISON, VIRGO/SPM Large separation or acoustic radius measurements Results Meridional flows from SH zonal modes Conclusions and future work
Large separations from GONG frequencies
Large separations from BISON frequencies
Large separations from ACF L= 0, 2
Travel times: GONG
Correlation with the activity
Relative changes of acoustic radius: MDI, GONG
Relative changes of acoustic radius: BISON
Relative changes of acoustic radius: VIRGO/SPM
Conclusions Precise measurements of large separation Possibly we may estimate change of upper reflection boundary during the activity cycle Applicable to astroseismology, stellar activity
Meridional travel time differences using GONG (m=0) SH time series
Average CCF T=1 gong month ∆=17º =3 mHz
Comparison travel time differences Directly from velocity images From M=0 SH coefficients From reconstructed images using all-L SH coefficients
Average travel time differences