Welcome Parents Troop 601 Parents Orientation
Why are we here? Introduce new parents to Boy Scouting. Re-familiarize existing parents with the process. Answer questions and introduce new members of troop leadership.
History of Troop 601 Founded in 1999 First Scoutmaster was Ed Wedman First Eagle Scout was Jeff Sheraton Charter Organization is Salem United Methodist Church So far, 5 Eagle Scouts awarded (with more to come…)
What Are the Goals of Scouting? Build citizenship and national pride Promote community awareness and service Instill strong morals and character Help develop leadership skills and individuality Give experiences and skills that last a lifetime HAVE FUN!! DOES NOT: Promote the troops as Eagle factories Work as a sitting service Seek to replace decisions made by parents Seek to involve youth in risky situations
The Boy Scout Troop The Committee the business of the troop Supports and helps define the program Manages finances, equipment, and support. Members are elected by adults. Scoutmaster Core the program of the troop Instructs, counsels, and develops boy leadership Works with Patrol Leader Counsel (PLC) Hands on leadership
The Scoutmaster The toughest job youll ever love Works with, mentors, youth Guides adult leadership (i.e. SMC) Builds and shapes the program with adults and PLC Boy run, adult led Conducts a Scoutmaster conference prior to Board of Review
Youth Leadership Senior Patrol leader is senior youth leader elected by youth. Leads and guides youth and youth leadership (PLC) Works with Scoutmaster on schedule, running of troop Youth is broken into patrols led by a patrol leader elected by patrol members Patrol Leader leads patrol and participates in PLC Other leadership positions exist to flesh out the troop and offer different experiences
Duties of Committee Review program and conduct troop business Report any new business and current events from every department Vote on new items for policies and procedures of the troop Sit on Board of Reviews for advancement Perform disciplinary review
Policies and Procedures Help govern the troop and its activities Spell out the mission and goals of the troop Written guide for troop and parents Copy is available online at the troop website
Youth Safety and Security All adult leaders are approved by council. Future applications go through criminal background checks Adults are trained in youth protection No youth is to be alone with an adult leader; either two adults or two youths minimum No adults are to use alcohol, tobacco in front of youth. No drug use. Youth are not permitted to: Bully Haze or initiate new members Fight Possess or use drugs or alcohol, or smoke Behave in a manner contrary to Scouting ideals
Advancement Chris Sanchez chair Primary Duties Chair Board of Reviews (BOR) for advancement Review Scouts progress for advancement Provide Quality Control for the process Gives feedback to Scout and receives feedback from the Scout Secondary Duties Process completed Merit Badge Cards Scouts turn into completed cards, cards are recorded, and appropriate badges are picked up and presented for the Court of Honor
Activities Chris Wool chair Activity Permission forms are delivered to the Scouts mailbox 1-2 meetings before it is due Due 2 meetings prior to the activity Form needs to returned whether or not Scout is attending Summer Camp Medical forms and medicines: See Vicki Sheraton First year program Choose Merit Badges, due this evening for advance sign-up, pre-reqs due before camp NO ELECTRONICS: cell phones, I pods, mp3s, games, etc. Car pooling to camp, strict requirements for Scouts leaving early. See Chris Wool for details
Scout Closet Barb Maynard chair Uniforms are available for your Scout! Donations of $5.00 requested to benefit troop activities Donations of uniforms and any Scouting accessories are welcome Please contact Barb Maynard at or
Webmaster/ Records Kyle West chair Records and website maintained by Kyle West All camping, awards, ranks, and personal data recorded in computer database Scouts should see Kyle to update information in their Scout books Troop website is Contact Kyle at Pictures are greatly appreciated for the website and for the troop Historian
Equipment Gene Spence chair Troop provides tents and equipment for Scouts. Equipment is stored in trailer Scouts are responsible for cleaning and maintaining their tents Contact Gene about problems with tents or equipment.
Treasurer/ Fundraising Kim Woodruff is troop treasurer Maintains troop accounts and individual Scout accounts Issues payments Barb Martin and Irene Sanchez are the fundraising chairs Fundraising provides money for new equipment and repairs and any troop expenses New ideas are welcome
Sunshine/ Special Events Donna Quillen chair Sunshine committee is responsible for sending flowers, cards and conveying the sentiments of the troop. Special events would cover refreshments for events such as Court of Honors or well, tonight! Contact Donna Quillen if you know someone who could use cheering up!
The End At Last!!!! Even with all the volunteers, help is still needed! Scouts whose parents are active with them statistically last longer in the program. Even adults can join in the fun activities!