Recommendation: [e.g., scale up, carefully continue, pivot, shut down] Scale Up Recommendation Analyze the launch and make recommendation: Decision Criteria A scalable solution should have… Yes/No Remarks Do findings provide enough confidence to proceed with scaling up? Stable initial customer base that shows signs of growth Good reviews about the solution from initial customers Clear validation of underlying financial assumptions through market testing Are we in a competitive position to win in this space sustainably? Clear validation that we can win in this space and capture value sustainably over the long-term Clear validation that the business model creates value and will be difficult for competitors to copy Can the key resources & processes required for launch be built, borrowed or bought? Clearly identified and described a comprehensive set of resources and processes by type (e.g. technical, HR, marketing) that will be required for scale Build/Borrow/Buy/Partner decisions for capabilities have been made for the scaled model and resources, partners and targets have been identified If approval is being granted to move to scale up, who should support the team in this effort? Identified the specific people required to ensure the right skills and expertise are available for a successful scale up Outlined plan for integration with the rest of our business functions Recommendation: [e.g., scale up, carefully continue, pivot, shut down]