City Acupuncture | New York City | Los Angeles We offer affordable acupuncture therapy, massage therapy, skin care therapy in New York and Los Angeles.acupuncture therapy
About City Acupuncture City Acupuncture provides affordable acupuncture and massage therapy in New York City and Los Angeles. FiDi, E. Village, Columbus, Flatiron, Silver Lake.massage therapy
Our Services Acupuncture Therapy Acupuncture Therapy Massage Therapy Massage Therapy Skin Care Therapy Skin Care Therapy
Our Social Media Profiles If you want to get the all information about city acupuncture in NYC and Los Angeles then visit our YouTube channel, Facebook, Twitter profiles.acupuncture
Find Location Near You Our currently locations in New York City, Los Angeles, CA. Each acupuncture clinic is locally owned and operated by professional acupuncturist. Our Main Office in New York at Fulton street. Our 3 more branches in East Village, Columbus Circle, Flatiron in New York and One location in Los Angeles.Los Angeles Our Main Office Address Fulton Street 139 Fulton Street #208 New York, NY Phone : (212)