How Has Social Media Impacted Our Lives? By: Clara Carter
Addiction Many people say it’s an addiction. “Happiness factors” – “unhappiness factors”. It all started with Facebook, twitter, later on instagram. The average U.S teen (13-17 year olds) now sends or receives 3,339 texts a month… now that’s a lot!
Addiction For instance, a friend of mine has an addiction for Pintrest. It’s an app for posting and sharing creative pins. She has over 2.1k pins! She has been on Pintrest for over a year now. She claims she has an addicton
Health As many parents say, that’s bad for your brain! Well they are some what right. Did you know it can damage a part of your brain? But mostly your eye sight. When going outside your eyes can barely stand the suns light. It causes eye damage. Before you know it babies will be using electronics.
Cyber Bullying How should adults react? Kids may talk more to parents, guardians, ect. If they had more confidence that the adults would respond in a caring or calm manner. Many youth try to handle it by themselves.
Cyber bullying chart
Bibliography 4 youth views on cyberbullying by Patricia Agatston- article