Who Wants to be a Millionaire?!


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Presentation transcript:

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?! Let’s Play Who Wants to be a Millionaire?! 6 Weeks Review

$100 Question Which was not a result of the French and Indian War? Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone France lost Canada to the British colonists. Great Britain incurred high war costs. Great Britain gained all territories in Louisiana. Britain made a decision to renew its colonial mercantilist system.

$200 Question British officials believed they were justified in imposing new taxes on the colonies after the French and Indian War because Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone of their incurred debts and the cost of defending the colonies. Americans had refused to offer military support during the war. it was important to prove American dependence on Britain. all new taxes would be internal taxes in the colonies.

$500 Question As a result of British salutary neglect, the 50:50 Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone British showed were unsurprised when the colonies began to rebel. colonies and British grew apart, with colonials developing different beliefs. colonies demanded more British soldiers for their defense. colonies began to seek connections with the French crown.

$1,000 Question Why did the British feel justified in issuing the Royal Proclamation of 1763? Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone They believed colonists hadn’t settled many areas along the coast. Areas beyond the Appalachians were given to the French after the war. The Ohio River Valley was believed to be too rough for agriculture. Limiting contact between natives and colonists to prevent war.

$2,000 Question The British mercantilism system was opposed by many American colonists because it Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone encouraged colonial manufacturing. placed quotas on immigration. discouraged the export of raw materials to England. placed limitations on trading.

$4,000 Question Which statement is most accurate about the movement for independence in the thirteen colonies? Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone The movement began soon after the founding of Plymouth Colony. King George III required colonists to become economically self-sufficient. Protests against British policies led to the demand for independence. Movement for independence was equally strong in all of the colonies.

$8,000 Question During the colonial period, the British Parliament used the policy of mercantilism to Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone force colonists to worship in the Anglican Church. deny representation to the colonies. prevent criticism of royal policies. limit manufacturing in America.

$16,000 Question The British benefited from their mercantilist relationship with the American colonies primarily by Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone supporting the growth of colonial industries. taking large amounts of gold and silver from the southern colonies. prohibiting colonists from fishing and fur trading. receiving raw materials from the colonies and selling them products.

$32,000 Question The Sugar Act differed from earlier regulations such as the Navigation Acts in which of the following ways? Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone The act was proposed, enacted, and policed by the colonials. It forced the colonists to trade in sugar only with England. It taxed for the purpose of collecting revenue from the Americas. It taxed sugar far more than any other product had ever been taxed.

$64,000 Question Which of the following is an accurate description of the Sons of Liberty in 1765? Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone Group who organized to oppose the colonial resistance movement. Group was created to focus rebel action into effective resistance. Group of Southern radicals who demanded separation from England. Group was created by newspaper editors to write essays about liberty.

$125,000 Question In its economic relationship with its North American colonies, Great Britain followed the principles of 18th century mercantilism by Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone establishing laws against business monopolies. limiting the colonies’ trade with other nations. outlawing the African slave trade. encouraging the development of manufacturing in the colonies.

$125,000 Question In its economic relationship with its North American colonies, Great Britain followed the principles of 18th century mercantilism by Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone limiting the colonies’ trade with other nations. encouraging the development of manufacturing in the colonies.

$250,000 Question Which conclusion about the preparation for the American Revolutionary War is most clearly supported by information in the chart? Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone England had few advantages in a war with the American colonies. The 13 colonies had more advantages than disadvantages. England believed the 13 colonies weren’t worth the expense of war. The 13 colonies had few, but important advantages.

Analyze the following chart:

$500,000 Question 50:50 Audience Phone Final Answer “The only representatives of the people of these colonies are persons chosen therein by themselves; and that no taxes ever have been, or can be constitutionally imposed on them but by their respective legislatures.” From this statement, you can conclude that Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone colonial legislatures should be appointed by British Parliament. only colonial representatives should have the power to levy taxes. the English King, George III, should have the right to tax the colonists. the colonists should be opposed to all taxation laws.

$1,000,000 Question Americans protested new taxes after the French and Indian War on the basis of what claim or claims? Final Answer 50:50 Audience Phone War had been won without British support, so taxes were unjustified. England was too far away to monitor taxes in the colonies. Their claims to rights as Englishmen dating back to the Magna Carta. Britain had forfeited the right to tax the colonies after losing the war.