By: Katherine Tillman and Justin WAughtal Planned Parenthood By: Katherine Tillman and Justin WAughtal
History of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger Founder of planned parenthood A nurse and educator Had the idea that woman should be able to control their own bodies 1914 - "birth control" term is coined October 16, 1916– First birth control clinic opens in Brooklyn, New York Open for 9 days Comstock Law is broken, Sanger jailed for 30 days Sanger travels to spread her knowledge and vision. 1923 – Birth Control Research Bureau in Manhattan, later merged with American Birth Control League and became Planned Parenthood Federation of America, INC (PPFA)
History of Planned Parenthood 1936 – Court ruling, allowed birth control and information could be legally distributed in New York, Connecticut, and Vermont 1948 – Planned Parenthood gave a small grant to a few biologists to develop a birth control pill 1956 – First human test for birth control pill In Puerto Rico, there was no informed consent and the pill had bad side effects FDA – May 9 1960- approved the birth control pills Safer and more effective than the pills testing in Puerto Rico 1970 – Law was passed that created public funding for family planning and sex education programs in U.S., New York legalizes abortion and is the first center to offer abortion services 1973- Supreme court rules in favor of abortion rights, safe and legal abortion within 3 months of pregnancy in all 50 states
History of Planned Parenthood 1987- Offer free or low-cost HIV testing 1996 – Launched website ( Easy access to medical and sexual health information for everyone 1999 – FDA approved Plan B emergency contraception - "morning after pill" 2000 – FDA approved mifepristone - "abortion pill" 2005 – First Planned Parenthood affiliate began providing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) 2006 – HPV vaccine is approved and available at Planned Parenthood facilities 2016- Supreme Court rules that states can't create rules that restricted people from getting an abortion
Overview of Services provided Women's services (pelvic exams, cancer screenings, etc.) Men's services (cancer screenings, sexual dysfunction, etc.) STD testing, treatment and vaccines Patient education (sexual and reproductive health) LGBT services (healthcare services, hormone therapy, etc.) HIV services General Health Care Emergency Contraception Birth control Abortion services and referral
Political arguments in Support of PP Political arguments in support of Planned Parenthood Planned Parenthood is more than just abortion services Planned Parenthood provides other essential health services: STD/STI Testing Contraception Cancer screening and prevention Women's health services (Prenatal Care) General health services Sex education
Political arguments against PP Planned Parenthood performs 35% of all abortions in the United States This correlates with people who are Pro-Life because they disapprove of abortions The focus of the organization has been shifting away from preventative care and women's health to and focusing more on abortions Cancer screenings by Planned Parenthood have decreased by 50% since 2004 It has an attitude towards sex that is too casual They give out contraceptives willingly in a way that suggests that sex is expected and normal for young adults
Intro to the Abortion Background info Abortion is a medical procedure that is preformed to terminate a pregnancy Abortion first became legal across the United States after the Roe v. Wade Supreme court case in 1973 after being legalized in several individual states already The 2 main types of abortion are in clinic abortion and medication abortion Medication abortions are usually utilized within the first 2 months of pregnancy In clinic abortions are usually conducted in pregnancies that are further along than 2 months Abortion statistics from CDC (2015) 638,169 abortions were conducted in the U.S. in 2015 188 abortions per 1,000 live births 91.1% of abortions were performed at <14 weeks after gestation
Basis behind the Pro-Life Argument Arguments and Opinions on Abortion Pro Life- At conception when the zygote is first formed, it contains human DNA that is different from the mothers which classifies it as a separate organism. In the embryonic period, the embryo fits the criteria established to be considered living: metabolism, growth, and reaction to stimuli. Because this human organism that lives within the mother has separate DNA and is considered to be living, it is logical to say that killing the living human is murder Abortions are acceptable in any case where the mother's health might be in danger because of the baby
Basis behind the Pro-Choice Argument Arguments and Opinions on Abortion Pro Choice- It is the woman's right to decide whether to terminate the pregnancy or not Woman's right over her body Pro – life suggest that the fetus is a living organism and human beings have the right to live, but the fetus is fully dependent on the woman's body because it can't survive on its own outside the womb. Banning abortion would violate a woman's right to control her body
Economic There are about 600 facilities around the U.S. Funding: about $2.1 billion/year
Bibliography “Family Research Council.” The Best Pro-Life Arguments for Secular Audiences, Parenthood, Planned. “The History & Impact of Planned Parenthood.” Planned Parenthood, us/who-we-are/our-history Parenthood, Planned. “What Facts about Abortion Do I Need to Know?” Planned Parenthood, “Abortion Debate.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Mar. 2019, Millstein, Seth. “How To Win Any Argument About Abortion.” Bustle, Bustle, 17 Dec. 2018, pro-choice-11-arguments-against-abortion-access-debunked. “Five Very Important Reasons To Support Planned Parenthood.” The Odyssey Online, 25 Aug. 2017, important-reasons-to-support-planned-parenthood. Parenthood, Planned. “Facts & Figures.” Planned Parenthood, “Why Defund Planned Parenthood?” ProtestPP, Attia, Abby. “7 Reasons Why Planned Parenthood Should Not Get Government Money.” MyHeritage, reasons-why-planned-parenthood-should-not-get-government-money/. Lee, Michelle Ye Hee. “Paul Ryan's Claim That for Every Planned Parenthood Clinic, 20 Health Centers Provide Care.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 18 Jan. 2017, parenthood-20-health-centers-provide-care/?utm_term=.f0386b4135af.