Flowering time, biomass, leaf number, and leaf area at flowering of wild-type (WT) and fa plants grown under short- or long-day conditions. Flowering time, biomass, leaf number, and leaf area at flowering of wild-type (WT) and fa plants grown under short- or long-day conditions. A and E, Days from sowing to flower meristem emergence of plants grown under short-day conditions in a temperature-controlled greenhouse (A) and plants grown under long-day conditions in a growth room (E). B and F, Average fresh rosette biomass at the time of flowering of plants grown under short-day (B) or long-day conditions (F). C and G, Number of leaves at flowering under short- (C) or long-day (G) conditions. D and H, Leaf area at flowering under short- (D) or long-day (H) conditions. Numbers at the bottom of the columns indicate the number of plants tested. **Significant difference relative to that in the wild type (P < 0.01) as determined using Student's t test. Boaz Negin et al. Plant Physiol. 2019;180:910-925 ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists