1st 9 Weeks Spelling/Vocabulary


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Presentation transcript:

1st 9 Weeks Spelling/Vocabulary

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 1 1) Fiction- Writing that tells about imaginary characters and events. 2) Character- A person or an animal that takes part in the action of a literary work. 3) Protagonist- The main character in a literary work. (The good character) 4) Antagonist- A character or a force in a conflict with the main character. (The evil character) 5) Dynamic- A character who changes or grows during the story. 6) Static- A character who does not change or grow.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 1 Spelling Quiz & Vocabulary Quiz Friday 6) Static- A character who does not change or grow. 7) Context Clues- Words that assist the reader to determine the meaning of another word in the selection 8)Analogy- Makes a comparison between two or more things that are similar in some ways 9) Prefix- A word part added to the beginning of a word in order to change the meaning 10) Suffix- A word part added to the end of a word in order to change the meaning. Spelling Quiz & Vocabulary Quiz Friday You need to start studying now

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 2 1) Setting- The time and place of the action in a literary work 2) Climax- The high point in the action of the plot 3) Conflict- A struggle between opposing forces A character struggles with an outside force (Person, Hurricane) 4) External Conflict- 5) Internal Conflict- A character struggles within his/her own mind (Decision, feeling) 6) Plot- The sequence of events in a literary work

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 2 6. Plot - The sequence of events in a literary work. 7. Viewpoint - The standpoint from which the story is told (1st person & 3rd person) A feeling of growing tension about the outcome of events in a literary work 8. Suspense - A word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word 9. Synonym - 10. Antonym- A word that has the opposite meaning of another word.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 3 1. Tone- The writer’s attitude toward his or her audience and subject. 2. Mood- The feeling created in the reader by the literary work. A scene that interrupts the sequence of events to relate events that occurred in the past 3. Flashback - The author uses clues to hint at what might happen later in the literary work. 4. Foreshadowing - 5. Theme - The central message, concern, or purpose of a literary work 6. Homonyms - A word that sounds the same as another word but has a different spelling and meaning

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 3 6. Homonyms- A word that sounds the same as another word but has a different spelling and meaning 7. Homographs- A word that has the same spelling as another word but a different meaning. . 8. Connotation - An added meaning that suggest something is positive or negative. The words exact meaning as stated in the dictionary. 9. Denotation - 10. Idioms- An expression that has a meaning different from the usual meanings of the words within it.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 4 1. Author- The person who writes the literature. 2. Speaker- The imaginary voice a poet uses when writing a poem. 3. Narrator - The speaker or a character who tells the story. The group of people for whom the literature is written 4. Audience - 5. Fact - True information that cannot be argued. 6. Opinion - A person’s belief, not everyone has to agree with it.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 4 5. Fact - True information that cannot be argued. 6. Opinion - A person’s belief, not everyone has to agree with it The beginning of a story that introduces the characters, setting, and basic situation. 7. Exposition - 8. Resolution - The outcome of the conflict in a plot. 9. Nouns- A word that names a person, place, or thing. (Subject) 10. Illustration - A piece of artwork

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 5 1. Dialogue- A discussion between characters which is usually set off with quotation marks. 2. Monologue- A single person speaks to an audience. 3. Dialect - Form of a language spoken by people in a particular region or group. The most important idea expressed in a piece of writing. 4. Main Idea - 5. Details - Specific words describing an object. 6. Prediction - To make a smart guess.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 5 5. Detail- Specific words describing an object. 6. Prediction - To make a smart guess. To draw a conclusion that is not directly stated. (Infer) 7. Inference - 8. Sequence - Information that follows a defined pattern 9. Chronological Order- Events that fall in order according to when they happen 10. Verb - A word that expresses action or a state of being

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 6 1. Figurative Language- Writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally. 2. Simile- A comparison between two unlike things using the word “like” or “as” 3. Metaphor- A comparison between two unlike things using the word “is” A type of figurative language in which something nonhuman is given human characteristics. 4. Personification - 5. Hyperbole - An extreme exaggeration. 6. Imagery - Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 6 5. Hyperbole- An extreme exaggeration. 6. Imagery- Words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses. 7. Elaboration- To expand upon an idea giving a detailed description A word or group of words that expresses emotion 8. Interjections - 9. Pronouns- A word that takes the place of a noun 10. Antecedents - The word (Noun) that the pronoun refers too

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 7 1. Purpose- The reason 2. To Entertain- Writing for the reader to enjoy 3. To Inform- Writing to give information 4. To Persuade- Writing to share an opinion in order to Convince the reader feel a certain way. Anything that stands for or represents something else. (Dove/olive branch=peace) 5. Symbol - 6. Irony- A contradiction between what happens and what is expected to happen

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 7 5. Symbol- Anything that stands for or represents something else. (Dove/olive branch=peace) 6. Irony- A contradiction between what happens and what is expected to happen 7. Adjective- A word that describes a noun or a pronoun (explains what kind, which one, or how many) A word that describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb (explains how, when, where, how often 8. Adverbs - 9. Conjunctions- A word used to join words or groups of words. 10. Prepositions - Shows the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 8 1. Prose- Ordinary form of written language. (Fiction & Nonfiction) 2. Motif- A reoccurring symbol or message in literature. 3. Propaganda- Any plan or method for spreading opinions or beliefs. 4. Articles- Literature that informs or entertains the reader 5. Narration - The act of telling a story. 6. Narrative- A story

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 8 5. Narration - The act of telling a story. 6. Narrative- A story 7. Hero- A character whose actions are inspiring or noble. 8. Villain- A character whose actions are immoral or unbecoming. 9. Metamorphosis A significant change within a character. 10. Paraphrase- To shorten giving only the main ideas.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 9 1. Genre- A type of literature (3 types prose, poetry, drama) 2. Poetry- Writing usually in verse and has rhyme and rhythm. 3. Drama- A story written to be preformed by actors. 4. Nonfiction- Prose writing that explains ideas, people, places, objects, or events. 5. Autobiography - A form of nonfiction about the writer’s own life as told by the writer.

Spelling & Vocabulary Week 9 5. Autobiography- A form of nonfiction about the writer’s own life as told by the writer. 6. Biography- A form of nonfiction in which a writer tells the life story of another person. 7. Folktale - A story composed orally and passed down from person to person by word of mouth. 8. Fable- A brief story usually with animal characters, that teaches a lesson, or moral. 9. Legend - A widely told story about the past-the story may or may not have a foundation in fact. A fictional tale that explains the actions of gods or heroes or the origins of elements of nature 10. Myth -

Spelling & Vocabulary Synonyms Week 9 1. - . 2. - . 3. - . 4. - . 5. - . 6. - . 7. . . 8. . 9. 10. .