Swimming Blog By charley
The Way Of The Surfer. It all started several years ago; at the time I suffered with asthma. It was noticed that if I stayed avtive my chest would stay clear. One of the activities at the time was surfing which I loved because I felt like I was flying. I trained six hours a day sor five days each week. Each I surfed I did yoga cardio stretching and general fitness but it still wasn’t enough for me to paddle out further and to combat the current so something more was required so this is where my swimming begins.
Swimming The Beginning. On my arrival home I contacted the Dover Leisure Centre where I started swimming lessons with someone by the name of Carolyn who still guides me today and who taught me all the strokes and helped develop the love of the sport.
The Dover Life Guard Club Shortly after, I contacted The Dover Life Guard Club and I started sessions on a Tuesday Thursday and a Saturday but not long after a conversation with the head coach, I had joined the race squad witch was where the competitions started
Competitions After joining the race squad my swimming from every day swimming stroke to a more honed racing style focused tawards speed for competition, which has rewarded me with 19 madals and one trophy in just one year.