15 / 06 Thursday Kaupapa: Define: dissolving solute solvent solution
Do you remember? What is the process of solid turning into gas? What is the opposite called? Give an example of each
“Where is the Salt?”
Dissolving Soluble substances such as salt gets ___________ in water. The salt (in the example) is called the ________. The liquid that dissolves it (e.g. water) is called the _________. After the solute has been dissolved in the solvent, you have a __________.
Example: Milo!
Example: Milo! Stirring Milo into milk is an example of ____________. The ______ is the solute, while the ______ is the solvent.
Practical – Making Crystals
Practical – Blue Crystals Aim: make blue crystals from a solution of copper sulfate Method: Heat 10 ml of water in a small beaker Add copper sulfate powder until it does not dissolve any more Transfer the solution into a paper cup Leave it for 12 hours to cool down
Making Blue Crystals (copper sulfate) When copper sulfate powder is added to water, it gets __________. The water then turns blue, becoming a copper sulfate ___________. The solute is the ___________________. The solvent is the ___________.
What have we learnt today? When sugar is added to water, what happens? What is the solute? What is the solvent?