ctcLink Steering Committee July 16, 2019 Choi Halladay - ctcLink Steering Committee Chair, Vice President for Administrative Services, Pierce College District Christy Campbell – ctcLink Project Director
agenda Item Description Duration Facilitator 1. Welcome 1 Minute 1. Welcome 1 Minute Christy 2. Approval of Minutes Tim 3. Chart of Accounts Update from FirstLink Colleges & SBCTC 15 Minutes CCS, TCC, SBCTC 4. ctcLink Program Status Program Risk Implementation Colleges Pre-Implementation Colleges 20 Minutes 5. SBCTC Readiness (Operations and Support) Discussion 10 Minutes Grant/John/Carli 6. Remediation: Replacement Solutions Update Security Mapping Accessibility Contracts & SBCTC Accessibility Plan CampusCE Negotiations OAA Next Steps Budget Tool Next Steps Physical Inventory Tracking 25 Minutes Christy/Others 7. July 30 Executive Sponsor Meeting Planning *Discuss July 30 Steering Committee Meeting Schedule All 8. Action Items Review and Agenda Items for Future Meetings 5 Minutes 9. Meeting Closure 3 Minutes
Meeting Minutes – Approval June 18, 2019
Chart of accounts Status Update Tacoma Spokane SBCTC
Ctclink program status Program Risk Implementation Colleges Pre-Implementation Colleges
Top Risks Reported – as of July 5, 2019 LEGEND: Critical High Moderate Low C H L M Risk Level Risk Description Mitigating Actions Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Risk Owner (s) H Chart of Accounts (CoA): User adoption and successful deployment (scheduled for July 1, 2019) is critical for Deployment Group 2 (DG2) timeline. Update: Phase 1 cutover activities completed. Phase 2 and sub-ledger closing activities are in progress and are scheduled to be completed on July 10. Final configuration (Phase 3) is now scheduled for the week of July 15. Emmett Folk, ctcLink PM for FIN & HCM Team DG2 Impacted, Risk Date:10/12/2018 *also Risk submitted by Matt Connelly, Spokane District PM on 10/23/2018 Emmett Folk C SBCTC: Risk of resource diversion due to CoA adoption. Combination editing rules will be revised in tandem with additional chartfield use. Impacts FirstLink Colleges’ (FLCs) ability to post many transactions prior to effective date. Cutover is planned to complete on July 22, 2019. If this happens, requires manual or automated workarounds to correct issues as they occur; will require SBCTC staff resources to support. Update: SBCTC, ctcLink FIN leads, ERP FIN lead will continue to meet to clarify roles for year-end close and their role in old chart of accounts. Next round ̶̶ when SBCTC is on the new chart of accounts ̶ their resources will be impacted. Discussions also occurred for how ERP will support the new chart of account issues. Evelyn Williams, SBCTC PM DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 5/3/2019 Emmett Folk & Christyanna Dawson Clark: Student Financials – Clark submitted three risks. Update: Items related to Student Financials, Financial Aid, General Ledger and coordination between Student Financials and Finance. These items have been discussed with Clark. Cycle 4B is planned to mitigate these risks. A follow-up will be scheduled with Clark’s PM after Cycle 4B. Cycle 4B is scheduled for July 12, 2019. Susan Maxwell, Clark College PM DG2 Impacted, Risk Date: 2/1/2019 Risks #50, #51, #52 John Henry Whatley, Emmett Folk, Chandan Goel Top Issues Reported – as of July 5, 2019 LEGEND: High Moderate Low H M L Issue Level Issue Description Status Update Submitted by (name, org/college), Deployment Group & Date Issue Owner (s) H Security Mapping activities to mitigate UAT timeline, have not addressed the new Security Design Production user access. Update: The ctcLink team is highly concerned about the Production Security Mapping for DG2 Colleges and entering new Security into one of the UAT cycles. Although there are no other options due to the schedule, this will be a challenge for the DG Colleges and SBCTC as well as potential impact to the remaining UAT cycles. ctcLink PMO submitted for ctcLink CS, HCM, FIN Team DG2 Impacted, Issue Date: 4/16/2019 Tara Keen, Security Team M Clark – Accessibility Items Clark has submitted issues around accessibility items they have identified. We are tracking these items and will provide this information to the vendors to review and test when they are onboard (estimated for August). Susan Maxwell, Clark College PM DG2 Impacted, Issue Dates: 6/27/2019 Issues: #36, #39-48 Owners TBD 6
ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard / Moran Technology Consulting Report June 2019 Overall Status Y ctcLink Quality Assurance Scorecard - Moran Technology Consulting , November 2018 STATUS PROJECT AREA DESCRIPTION / NOTES G SBCTC/Governance Go-No Go Decision for FLC implementation of new Chart of Accounts was made by Steering Committee. The ctcLink Executive Leadership Committee will have a change to voting members with the new WACTC-Tech appointed college presidents. Project Management Project Management Office (PMO) is fully staffed, working well together and continuing to address improvements in project management processes. PMO has hired a PM to manage Schedules (individual starts in July). Y Phase Scope QA remains concerned about the number of solutions to be re-implemented to replace/augment current PS functionality. Based on the May status of replacement solutions, it does not seem possible that these will be decided upon and readied for DG2 scope inclusion. Schedule Status DG2/DG3/DG4 schedule overlap and resource constraints directly impact all deployment groups. Schedule compression and key project resources are heavily allocated to multiple DG2 workstreams and supporting DG3 tasks. DG2 schedule is dependent on CoA implementation at CCS and TCC colleges. Priority must continue to be focused on DG2 project and college readiness. QA recognizes that the high level of DG2 related activities leading up to Go-live will be stressful to the ctcLink project staff. QA is also concerned that the ctcLink Project staff and ERP support team will be stressed for a number of months once DG2 is live, with anticipation of a higher volume of new support tickets. Training Development of Training materials to support remaining Sprints was underway in June. Training team and consultants are working on preparing materials for Sprints 4/5/6. QA continues to be concerned that considerable development work still remains for the courses to support end-user training. Testing DG2 UAT)Sprints, were underway in June. Good sprint participation by the DG2 colleges. UAT has identified configuration and process errors that have been resolved. Consultant contracted to fill Testing Manager role was delayed on-site and (expected to start in July). The DG2 Testing workstream remains a major QA concern since it requires continued active DG2 end-user participation. QA is also concerned about the execution of dual parallel testing for payroll, financial-aid, and tuition calculation. Configurations / Data Conversion Technical work for beginning CoA implementation started in June once Go-live decision was made by Governance. This work required the ctcLink Project team working closely with the ERP support team. CoA implementation Steps 1 and 2 were completed as scheduled. Conversion and Production implementation of the Bio-Demo data for Clark College and SBCTC is scheduled for July. DG2 Go-live production cutover planning sessions began in June. Organizational Change Management PMO/OCM is actively engaged with all colleges now involved with their DGs.QA is concerned that PMO remains focused on the DG2 schedule/priority activities. The project is aware that effective communications and messaging is important to success of the project. QA supports the efforts the project is undertaking to prevent false messages from being sent. Project Staffing Project staffing is adequate at this time and continues to make staffing adjustments as appropriate. PMO is recruiting for open positions. PMO to begin using off-shore technical resources to perform and augment systems integration testing work. Technical Environment The IT division continues addressing processes and critical staffing. The ERP Change Management Board is being re-implemented to improve coordination and scheduling of changes. IT is reviewing staffing models at other PeopleSoft ERP community college systems for staff and budget sizing. The development/implementation of security roles for the colleges has now become a critical issue and is being addressed by the ctcLink PMO. Service Level Agreement has been distributed to colleges. LEGEND GREEN YELLOW RED Risk Description: Low risks may be encountered. NO immediate action needed Moderate risks may be encountered. Serious deficiency and action item recommended. High risks may be encountered. Needs to be escalated and can impact project effort or cost. 7
Project Overall Status – June 24 to July 5, 2019 Program is on track, per timeline, scope and budget Security Mapping activities impacting completion of UAT Current DG2 Schedule has no “float” remaining in timeline Scope Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) needs to be updated to validate original RFP requirements have been implemented, tested, and end users trained on the processes and functionality Schedule Monitoring scope and timing of: Budgeting Tool, Continuing Education, Online Admissions Application, Physical Assets and OBIA implementations Budget G Currently tracking under budget New Technology Budget required by OFM/OCIO has been submitted and waiting on approval before new allotment for Gate 4 can be requested Executive Summary The project is tracking per schedule and under budget. Scope review and definition for each deployment continues due to rework of key solutions. Each Deployment Group (DG) is engaged and all colleges now have an Initiation or Implementation Work Plan: DG2 is in the Transition Phase. Colleges and SBCTC are engaged in User Acceptance Testing sprints. ctcLink will be offline for the DG2 upgrade Oct. 11-14 and again for cutover activities Oct. 25-28. DG3 is in the Construct Phase and recently completed Business Process Fit/Gap sessions. DG3 Testing/Training road shows are underway. DG4 is in the Initiation Phase, with most colleges just past the halfway mark on deliverables. Gate 1 Initiation Phase Peer Review will be July 29-30 at Highline College. DG5 colleges are in the Initiation Phase and have begun Initiation Deliverables public status reporting. PMO team visited colleges in June for Initiation road show. DG6 is in the Initiation Phase and will start public status reporting this fall. The Initiation Phase Road Show will be in Oct. 2019. Planning meetings have begun with technical colleges to capture differences between technical and community college business practices. The new Chart of Accounts implementation is underway, following a “go” decision (with conditions) by the Steering Committee. Final contract negotiations continue for a new Continuing Education solution. An RFI is being developed for the Online Admissions Application (OAA), in parallel with additional improvements to the current OAA solution. The Budget Planning Tool work group is reconvening to finalize business and technical requirements. Many college PMs will participate in the Prosci 3-day training in August in Centralia and Wenatchee to learn organizational change management principles. Overall Status Summary per Deployment Group DG# PMO- Reported Status Comments College/ Agency Self-Reported Status DG2 Y Security Production Mapping is in progress and production security must be tested to complete UAT Clark G SBCTC R Spokane Tacoma DG3 College Configuration in progress Conversion cycles have begun Cascadia LCC Olympic Peninsula Pierce DG4 College teams working on Initiation Phase activities Implementation begins Nov. 2019 DG5 Implementation begins March 2020 DG6 Implementation begins Nov 2020 8
Deployment Group 4 Dashboard Reports – June 24 to July 5, 2019 DG4 Initiation Phase Completion Summary Percentage of deliverables completed and tracked in Project Web App (PWA) by each college: College Orientation & Resourcing College Project Planning (from templates) Conduct Initial Data Cleansing Document Current Legacy Business Processes Supplemental Systems Analysis DG4 target percentages will be added in August 2019. College/District As of July 5, 2019 Centralia College 63% Edmonds Community College 60% Highline College 59% Seattle Colleges (3) 57% Wenatchee Valley College 66% DG4 Pre-Implementation and General Timeline G
Deployment Group 5 Dashboard Reports – June 24 to July 5, 2019 DG5 Initiation Phase Completion Summary Percentage of deliverables completed and tracked in Project Web App (PWA) by each college: College Orientation & Resourcing College Project Planning (from templates) Conduct Initial Data Cleansing Document Current Legacy Business Processes Supplemental Systems Analysis College/District As of July 5, 2019 Target Percentage for July 2019 Bellevue College 10% 25% Bellingham Technical College 18% Big Bend Community College 21% Everett Community College Grays Harbor College 29% Green River College 30% Skagit Valley College 15% Whatcom Community College 31% DG5 Pre-Implementation and General Timeline G
Replacement solutions update Security Mapping Accessibility Contracts (& SBCTC Accessibility Plan) CampusCE Negotiations OAA Next Steps Budget Tool Next Steps Physical Inventory Tracking
Other ctcLink Project Activities – Status as of July 5, 2019 Solution Status RFP Publish Solution Decision Accessibility Develop and published RFP Work Group engaged to evaluate RFP Responses Final Decision on Vendors to be awarded Begin awarded Vendors Contract Begin SOW for Accessibility Testing 5/10/2019 Testing Prior to DG2 (October 2019) Continuing Education RFP was developed and approved by Governance RFP proposals were due November 15, 2018 3 Vendors responded and subgroup is evaluating solution Governance approved procurement and decision of Vendor Vendor Contract being finalized for scope and cost 10/15/2018 Contract Draft Complete Overall Pricing in Negotiations Online Admissions Application Sub-Committee finalized OAA requirements Project Team performed Fit/Gap of ctcLink functionality OAA workgroup evaluated select solutions currently in use at other PeopleSoft universities and colleges OAA workgroup developing a short list of best/possible solutions to identify those solutions on 2/12/2019 RFI to understand possible solutions and costs before final decision on RFP or custom solution Continue to enhance current OAA based on requirements for RFI TBD RFI requested Current ctcLink OAA requirements being prioritized prior to continue improvements Budget Planning Committee formed to review, finalize, approve Budgeting requirements Budget Work Group to finalize requirements and vet Oracle PBCS Solution If needed, develop RFP Work Group Kick Off Members reviewing Original RFP Budget Requirements Physical Inventory (Asset Tracking) Vendor Solutions being evaluated Evaluate new PS Functionality that will provide integration for asset tracking scanners directly with ctcLink 5/21/2018 DG3 (February 2020)
SBCTC Readiness Discussion What are the college questions about SBCTC Readiness What are the areas of concern? What are the plans to address these concerns?
Executive sponsors meeting College Executive Sponsors Meeting Initial engagement meeting based on survey results Tuesday, July 30, 2019, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Highline Agenda to include group discussion on roles, responsibilities, expectations, challenges, tips and lessons learned from “veteran” executive sponsors All executive sponsors to discuss/determine structure for ongoing support and collaboration
July 30 steering committee meeting Hold meeting at Highline directly after Executive Sponsors Meeting? 1:30 – 2:30 to allow time between meetings?