6X 2017-10-24 Tuesday Guns Germs and Steel Objective: Describe the causes and effects of European transatlantic travel. Agenda: 1. Prayer 2. Do Now: What is a paragraph? How should it be organized? What is a 12 sentence paragraph? 3. Discuss Do Now and lesson on 12 sentence paragraph. 4. Continue watching Guns, Germs, and Steel and keep working on Video Guides 5. Homework: 12 sentence paragraph: What advantages did the Spanish have over the Incas?
What is a paragraph. How should it be organized What is a paragraph? How should it be organized? What is a 12 sentence paragraph? A paragraph is a group of sentences that go together (the sentences are related and have the same theme/topic). A new paragraph starts on a new line, and it is indented. 12 sentence paragraph format: First: Intro – General statement about the topic. 2: A sentence that lists 3 points about the topic. 3,4,5: 3 sentences about point 1 6,7,8: 3 sentences about point 2 9,10,11: 3 sentences about point 3 12: Concluding sentence that says something meaningful about the topic.