Membrane integration of the model constructs depends on protein sequence, not codon usage. Membrane integration of the model constructs depends on protein sequence, not codon usage. (A) In the illustrated segments of DHD71C and DHD46C, the original codons were exchanged wherever possible (underlined) to the most or least frequently used ones, respectively (Sharp et al., 1988), thus allowing for faster and slower translation, respectively. The end of the H-segment is highlighted in yellow, and sequences derived from DPAPB and CPY are shown in red and blue, respectively. (B) H-Segment integration was determined as described in Fig. 2. Individual measurements are plotted with a line connecting the means (n≥3). Tina Junne, and Martin Spiess J Cell Sci 2017;130:372-381 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd