EMCS Phase 3.4 overview of the main changes involving traders
Manual Closure of Movement summary Deployment New namespaces Manual Closure of Movement purpose New messages IE880 et IE881 Scenarii Structure of the message IE881 Structured information on attachments Modification in the structure of some existing messages IE815 & IE801 IE818
Deployment of emcs phase3 Deployment of emcs phase3.4 on 13th of february 2020 – big-bang approach
New namespaces of the IE-messages version number is V2 New namespaces of the IE-messages version number is V2.02 instead of V1.92
New namespace of the IE-messages <xs:import namespace="urn:publicid:-:EC:DGTAXUD:EMCS:PHASE3:EMCS:V2.02" schemaLocation="../types.xsd" /> <xs:import namespace="urn:publicid:-:EC:DGTAXUD:EMCS:PHASE3:TMS:V2.02" schemaLocation="tms_national.xsd" /> <xs:import namespace="urn:publicid:-:EC:DGTAXUD:EMCS:PHASE3:TCL:V2.02" schemaLocation="../tcl.xsd" /> <xs:import namespace="urn:publicid:-:EC:DGTAXUD:EMCS:PHASE3:DOC:V2.02" schemaLocation="../doc.xsd" />
Manual closure of a movement
Manual Closure of Movement - purpose New use case UC3.06 Where a MSA detects that a movement cannot be closed in the system because the procedure to be followed is not supported electronically, the manual closure functionality can be used by an MSA as an exception handling mechanism in order to manually close such movements This is mentioned as architecturally significant use case as new IE messages have been introduced in this use case.
Manual Closure of Movement - purpose The scenarios of this use case require the state of the concerned e-AD to be in the “Accepted”, “Refused”, “Partially refused”, “Rejected” or “Exporting” state. There are two possible Manual Closure scenarios, either: Manual Closure is initiated by an Excise Officer of MSA Dispatch Manual Closure is initiated by an Excise Officer of MSA Destination Manual closure functionality does not result to the generation of the RoR at the MSA of Destination. Everything that applies to the MSA of Destination applies also to the MSA of Export, in the latter case, there is no consignee to be informed
Manual Closure of Movement – new messages IE880 - MANUAL CLOSURE REQUEST (C_MNC_SUB) Traders do not receive this message, It will not be further explained here IE881 - MANUAL CLOSURE RESPONSE (C_MNC_RES) Traders are involved by this message, It will be further explained here
Manual Closure of Movement (here initiated in the MSA of destination)
Manual Closure of Movement – structure of the Ie881 Consignor and consignee are notified by IE881 of Manual Closure of e-AD MESSAGE 1x R ---HEADER ---SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS 9x O ---(BODY) MANUAL CLOSURE 999x
Structured information on attachments
Structured information on attachments - purpose Concerns the addition of a standard way of referring to electronic attachments and/or accompanying paper documents. Implies modification into the structure of the existing messages IE815 and IE801
Ie815 & Ie801 : 2 more fields in the tag “document certificate”
Ie815 & Ie801 : 2 more fields in the tag “document certificate” condition C006 is updated At least one, among these three fields: - <Document Type> - <Document Description> - <Reference of Document>
Ie815 & Ie801 : 2 more fields in the tag “document certificate” new condition C202 applied to the new field “document reference” C202 IF <Document Type> is used THEN <Document Reference> is ‘R’ ELSE <Document Reference> does not apply
BC106 – type of document (see fess) Code Description Other 1 e-AD 2 SAAD 3 Invoice 4 Delivery note 5 CMR 6 Bill of lading 7 Way Bill 8 Contract 9 Trader’s Application 10 Official record 11 Request 12 Answer 13 Fallback documents, Fallback Printout 14 Photo 15 Export Declaration 16 Anticipated Export Record 17 Exit Results 18 SAD (Single Administrative Document) <TARIC code> Any TARIC code used in ‘box 44’ of the SAD Note: Guidance shall be provided to Economic Operators in relation to the TARIC codes which are relevant to EMCS purposes [Other as necessary]
Some more Modifications in the structure of existing messages
Ie815 & Ie801 new field “shipping mark” in the tag “package”
Ie815 & Ie801 new field “shipping mark” in the tag “package” new condition c203 applied to this field C203 IF <Number of Packages> is set to '0' THEN <Shipping Marks> is ‘R’ ELSE <Shipping Marks> is 'Optional' Note: Shipping marks should be used as an identifier for goods which are packed together and will only be provided for packaged goods where applicable, in a free form of description of the marks and numbers on transport units or packages.
Ie815 & Ie801 New rule R251 add to the field “number of packages” in the tag “package” In case the ‘Number of Packages’ is set to ‘0’, then there should exist at least one ‘PACKAGE’ with the same ‘Shipping Marks’ and ‘Number of Packages’ with value greater than ‘0’
IE818 new rule R255 added to the field “sequence number” Provide the latest sequence number of the related e-AD