Honey Bee By: Alonso Trevizo Jocelyn Caro
Pollination Honey Bees are the top pollinators in the U.S. with plants and flowers. Since bees require large quantities of nectar and pollen to feed their young, they visit flowers regularly pollinating them as they go. Honey bees contribute to the pollinating of plants that produce fruit and vegetables that we consume.
Pollination (cont.) Major pollinator of many of our food crops, almonds, apples, avocados, blueberries, cantaloupes, cherries, cranberries, cucumbers, sunflowers, watermelon and many other crops. The pollination service provided by insect pollinators, bees mainly, was 153 billion (euros) in 2005 for the main crops that feed the world. This figure amounted to 9.5% of the total value of the world agricultural food
Our Food Source and Honey Has 63 calories of good carbohydrates and energy. Has ample supplies of live enzymes, which are required for the proper functioning of all body systems. In fact it is one of the foods with the highest content of enzymes. Honey is very good for burns, abrasions, and indigestion.
Honey Beez Honey can also help for cosmetics Fever blisters Fungus Hives Itching Acne Age Spots Abrasions Blisters Bed Sores
Benefit of the Bee Sting The sting of the honey bee is used for arthritis; which is called Apitherapy. Rosemary, turmeric, grapes, a honey bee product called Propolis: These all contain chemicals similar to a drug used to prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the large intestine( Colon Cancer) ; they work much in the same way.
Bee Allergies Venom contains pain inducing peptides, histamines, and other compounds that work on nerves to cause pain. The reasons they get a reaction is because they do not produce the right kind of antibodies and their immune system cannot handle bee Venom. If allergic it can be fatal if not treated.
Sources s/BEEKEEP/CHAPT8/chapt8.html s/BEEKEEP/CHAPT8/chapt8.html 20Facts.htm 20Facts.htm ewing.hubpages.com/hub/Why-saving- the-bees-is-so-important-for-our-world ewing.hubpages.com/hub/Why-saving- the-bees-is-so-important-for-our-world bees html bees html