MORALITY & ETHICS LO To understand what ethics is and how people can have different views on moral issues. To reflect on your own moral values and where they come from
What topics do you think we might be looking at? What is ethics? What topics do you think we might be looking at?
Key words: Ethics – is the study of morality Morality – is the study of right and wrong Moral issue – is a situation where you have to decide what is right or wrong
Moral Dilemmas – where do you stand? I agree with this statement I disagree with this statement I’m unsure
Stealing from Tesco is okay, but mugging a person is not… = Yes = Unsure = No
Animals should have the same rights as humans… = Yes = Unsure = No
Abortion is murder and murder is illegal, therefore abortion should be illegal… = Yes = Unsure = No
Capital punishment is always wrong… = Yes = Unsure = No
Its ok to have an affair if your no longer in love with your marriage partner… = Yes = Unsure = No
Moral Problems Today Working in groups, describe the most significant moral problems which young people most frequently have to deal with. Avoid simply making a list such as mobile phone theft, tidying up your bedroom, bullying. Pick one and write it on your sugar paper. Provide enough information to make it clear why the issue is a moral problem. Look at different views and note down your opinions on it.
Where do we get our ideas of right and wrong? Note down religious and non-religious ideas
In pairs make up 5 rules for good living Sometimes we decide on whether something is right or wrong because of rules. TASK In pairs make up 5 rules for good living Radio 1 Poll Radio 1 carried out a poll asking young people their most important moral rules : Do not kill (87%) Do not steal Do not take drugs Be loyal to your friends
‘Stealing is always wrong and can never be justified’ Do you agree? Look at different sides of the arguments and include a Christian view. Don’t forget to write where they might get their views from. Is there anything that you think is always wrong to do? Explain your answer
Due date: Next weeks lesson Homework Try to find an examples of a moral dilemma in your favourite soap or magazine and note down a possible cause of action. Due date: Next weeks lesson