Introduction to the Common Statistical Production Architecture Alice Kovarikova High-Level Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics, Nizhny Novgorod,


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to the Common Statistical Production Architecture Alice Kovarikova High-Level Workshop on Modernization of Official Statistics, Nizhny Novgorod, 10- 12 June 2014

The problem 2 big barriers that hamper modernisation of statistical organisations are: Rigid processes and methods Inflexible and ageing technology environment

Problem statement: Specialised business processes, methods and IT systems for each survey / output

Applying Enterprise Architecture Disseminate

... but if each statistical organisation works by themselves ...

... we get this ...

.. which makes it hard to share and reuse!

… but if statistical organisations work together to define a common statistical production architecture ...

... sharing is easier!

CSPA development project Architecture Proof of Concept

The Proof of Concept 5 countries played the role of Builders 3 countries played the role of Assemblers Editrules CANCEIS Blaise G Code SCS

What did we prove?

CSPA is practical and can be implemented by various agencies in a consistent way

You can fit CSPA Statistical Services into existing processes Statistics New Zealand (Workflow) Istat (CORE)

CSPA does not depend on a specific technology platform Statistics New Zealand (Workflow) Istat (CORE)

You can swap out CSPA compliant services easily Statistics New Zealand (Workflow)

Reusing the same statistical service by configuration Survey A Survey B Statistics Sweden (Workflow -Triton)

2013 – CSPA Development 2014 – CSPA Implementation

Services being built Seasonal Adjustment – France, Australia, New Zealand Confidentiality on the fly – Canada, Australia Error correction – Italy SVG Generator – OECD SDMX transform – OECD Selecting sample from business register – Netherlands Editing components – Netherlands Classification Editor – Norway

Architecture Working Group: Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Turkey, United Kingdom, Eurostat Catalogue team: Australia, Canada, Italy, Hungary, New Zealand, Romania, Turkey, Eurostat

Get involved! More Information Anyone is welcome to contribute! HLG Wiki: LinkedIn group: “Business architecture in statistics”

Thank you !