Eurostat regional yearbook 2009 and other dissemination issues


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Presentation transcript:

Eurostat regional yearbook 2009 and other dissemination issues Åsa Önnerfors Eurostat 8-9 October 2009

Eurostat regional yearbook 2009 The news release for the 2009 edition was on the 1st of October. It contains 11 chapters this year, all written by statistical experts inside Eurostat. It is published in German, English and French. It can be down-loaded for free on the Eurostat website. The story about the bad printing quality of the ”folded map”. They reprinted it in less than one week! Cover photo from the Greek island Santorini is taken by Annette Feldmann. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

The publication process over the year: January: Deciding on chapters and authors, checking data availability. February: Data extraction, maps and graphs production. March and April: The text for each chapter is written by authors within Eurostat. May: Translation of the texts by DG Translation. Deciding on pictures and lay-out. June: Proof-reading of the texts by the Publications Office. July and August: Desk-top publishing by the lay-out contractor. September and October: Printing and official publication on the Eurostat website. The chapter content may vary a bit from year to year, depending on data availability and if we find a volunteer in the unit to write a chapter on that subject. We have very good collaboration with DGT (English editing and translation) and with the Publications office for proof-reading. New lay-out contract for next year: Jouve in France – seems very professional. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Regional and Urban Statistics New in 2009: Hard cover binding which gives the publication a high quality look and feel. We have one new chapter in this edition: Information society, and the chapter on Education is reappearing again . The content of both the 2008 and 2009 edition of the Regional yearbook has been included as articles in Statistics Explained on the Eurostat website. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Regional and Urban Statistics Table of contents: Population European cities Labour market Gross domestic product Household accounts Structural business statistics Information society Science, technology and innovation Education Tourism Agriculture 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Three examples from the 2009 edition: Chapter 2: European cities Author: Teodóra Brandmüller Chapter 3: Labour market Author: Pedro Ferreira Chapter 7: Information society Author: Albrecht Wirthmann The photo from London is a private photo from Teodora Brandmüller. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Chapter 2: European cities The chapter gives us a detailed spatial analysis of the cities participating in the Urban Audit project. The text describes how the boundaries of the core city and the larger urban zone (LUZ) have been defined with the help of land cover maps (for core cities) and commuting patterns (for the LUZ). The maps here are based on Corinne land cover maps (CLC2000) and the red parts represent ”build-up-area”. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Regional and Urban Statistics The chapter also contains graphs showing interesting differences in work commuting patterns in 9 European capitals. The inner circle represents the core city and the outer ring the larger urban zone and the colours represent the means of transport: Light blue: by car Light green: by bicycle Darker blue: on foot Darker green: by public transport Interesting differences: Large shares of people commuting to work by bicycle in: especially Copenhagen, Amsterdam, but also Dublin, Helsinki, Stockholm and Bern. Very large shares of people commuting to work by public transport in especially Bratislava but also Tallinn. Large share of commuters by car in Madrid. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Chapter 3: Labour market This map shows the “Share of part-time workers in overall employment, by NUTS 2 regions, 2009 Percentage”. The regional differences here are not very marked, the country effect is more dominating. The high share of part-time workers in the Netherlands is clearly standing out in this example. In some maps the regional differences are big within the countries, but sometimes, like in this map, the country effect is more dominating - probably due to national legislation. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Chapter 7: Information society This map shows “Regular use of the Internet, by NUTS 2 regions, 2008 Percentage of persons who accessed the Internet, on average, at least once a week” The high levels of regular Internet use in the Nordic countries as well as the Benelux countries and parts of the UK are clearly marked in this map. We are very proud to present a new statistical subject to the regional yearbook. Please note that the statistical data on ICT usage are based on sample surveys. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

The new Eurostat website: A great improvement compared to our previous website, the content is better organized and not so scattered. There has also been many technical improvements, for instance in the search possibilities. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Regional and Urban Statistics The Eurostat website The Eurostat website has been modernized and totally restructured both in its content and lay-out. The new Eurostat website was introduced on the 27th of April this year and so far the user response has been very positive. The content is organised by tabs; Home, Statistics, Publications, About Eurostat and Help. Each statistical subject has its own dedicated section on the website and our part is called Regions and cities. Here we have gathered all information on Regions and cities and from here you can retrieve both the database and the main tables. Show the website live and show where they can find the regional dedicated section and the dedicated section of GISCO (under “About Eurostat”). 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

The Regional yearbook on the website: By clicking on the tab Publications you will find both the Eurostat regional yearbook 2009 and older editions, dating back to 2000. Different down-load possibilities: the whole publication (PDF) chapter by chapter (PDF) data extractions by chapter (Excel) You choose language of both the website and the publication in the upper right corner on the website (DE, EN, FR). The whole publication: low resolution PDF Individual chapters: high resolution PDF (better if you want to zoom in on the maps or use it in a presentation) 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Some other publications with regional content: Europe in figures – Eurostat yearbook 2009 contains a chapter called ”Europe’s regions”. Regions of the European Union: A statistical portrait – 2009 edition Statistics in Focus (SIF): for example this newly published SIF about regional GDP written by Andreas Krüger. “Regions in the European Union” was the “End-of-the-year-publication” last year and have been sent out to everyone with the Christmas cards, but we have more copies of it in the room if anyone is interested. The cover photo is fantastic! 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Regional and Urban Statistics European Regional and Urban Statistics – Reference Guide ( the Product page): To down-load the publication you click on the link “View publication”, then you are linked to the PDF – this is not quite obvious! 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Statistics Explained - a new Wiki-application on the Eurostat website Statistics Explained was opened to the public on a press conference in Luxembourg on the 28th of September. It’s like a Wikipedia for Statistics and the articles are taken from different Eurostat publications, e.g. the Regional yearbook. It will create new possibilities for publishing statistics in an easy and user-friendly way. We see Statistics Explained as a way to reach new user groups, perhaps especially High-school pupils and other educational purposes. SE is using the Wiki-technology and the text can be changed by anyone in Eurostat, but the changes has to be approved by the responsible unit and the dissemination unit, before they go public. Presently SE is only “loaded” with already checked and approved content from different printed publications, but in the future we could also use it the other way around – to produce new content, but we are not there yet! SE is only in English for the time being (since the content is changing all the time, it’s difficult to keep it up to date in three languages at a time). 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Data displaying and extraction tools on the Eurostat website There are two different sets of statistical data in the Data navigation tree on the Eurostat website. One is the database (the open data set) and the other is the main tables (a selected set of parameters). The database contains all available data, indicators and parameters of the statistical domain. The data from the database is displayed in a new data extraction tool called Data Explorer. Data Explorer will soon have the following down-load formats: XLS, TXT, HTML, SPSS, PC AXSIS. The main tables only gives you a selected set of data and it’s displayed in the TGM – the Table, graph, map-interface. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

The Data Navigation Tree and the Data Explorer: The database contains open data sets with a lot of different variables and opens with the help of “Data Explorer” 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

The Main tables and the Table tab in TGM: The main tables are usually only for one variable at a time, with two axis: GEO (regions or cities) and time. In some table you also have the possibility to change between certain parameters, like in this example: male, female, total. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Statistical maps in the TGM: Show on-line how you can manipulate and change the settings of the map; year, colour, ranges, extra layers and so on. 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Planned improvements for displaying data on Regions and cities: On the Eurostat website there is another way of displaying data called Country profiles, based on the Main tables. In the future two new tabs will be added: the Regional profiles and City profiles. This is linked with the so called CARP project that you will hear more about in the next presentation. Show the country profiles live an show how you can change the indicators in the drop-down menu and how you can compare a country with either EU-27 or with another country (then a new tab opens). 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting

Thank you for listening. Any questions or comments regarding dissemination? Please contact Åsa Önnerfors on 8-9 October 2009 Regional and Urban Statistics Working Party Meeting