Place Based Improvement Team
BACKGROUND Utility issues including overdue payments and disconnections continue to trouble Cincinnati families Our data tells us that not only do the winter months create hardships, but also the summer months create a higher demand for medical certification waivers from clinics Place Based is working on a sustainable way to help families with this problem - by helping them understand how to navigate this system
PLACE BASED SYSTEM LEVEL KEY DRIVER DIAGRAM Revision Date: 04-30-2018 (v10) Leaders: Carley Riley, Connie Hampton (Parent Lead), Amy Weber (Content Lead) Primary Drivers Vision July 2017 - June 2018 Improvement Projects What are we trying to accomplish? Help Cincinnati’s 66,000 children be the healthiest in the nation through strong community partnerships Healthy Homes / Block By Block (Price Hill Neighborhood) AIM: Meet the prioritized basic needs* for a total for 50 families Owner: Chellie McLellan Develop, test, and establish a baseline of an indicator for Thriving Children Meet all needs and fill all gaps for 20 families Meet prioritized basic needs* for a total of 150 families Increase parent activation** from 45 to 90 families *Needs identified with family and mapped to the ROMA Self-Sufficiency Scale. Met is at achievement of increased score identified with family. Will also track sustainment of score. ** Activation includes measuring participation, contribution, and ownership (does not include awareness) Trusted Working Relationships among Activated Families and Committed Community Partners Robust Coaching Strategy That Builds Family Resiliency Pediatric Primary Care (PPC Clinic) AIM: Meet the prioritized basic needs* for a total for 15 families Owners: Adrienne Henize, Lisha Lungelow Mission To address social influences impacting child health outcomes, design and test a place-based quality improvement team in both Avondale and Price Hill led by activated families and supported via the Network Justice Promoters AIM: Address rental lease and immigrant housing needs Owners: Lorena, Maria, and Alejandra Garcia – Cruz, Kathy Hale, Michael Pinkston, Accurate and Reliable Health & Social Data Resulting in Actionable Learnings that are Shared Among ALL Avondale Social Influences AIM: Meet the prioritized basic needs* for a total for 10 families Owner: Connie Hampton The Community Relationship TEAM (Build Grant) AIM: Establish Health Champions in Avondale buildings focusing on child safety and literacy issues Owner: Monica Mitchell Seamless and Responsive Partnerships that Eliminate Policy and Systems Barriers Population GCUW | STEPS AIM Meet the prioritized basic needs* for a total for 15 families Owner: Amy Weber ~4500 children <9 yrs. in Avondale and East & Lower Price Hill FY18: 150 families living in Avondale & Price Hill with at least one child under age of 9 Transparent, Straightforward Organizations That Are Willing to Change Systems Caring Families, Reading & More (Avondale) AIM: Increase the number of Avondale families who engage in weekly literacy activities with children in their family (or neighborhood) from 0 to 57 Owners: Dawn Denno, Anita Brentley
Solving Hardships through Family Forum on Utilities What Are We Trying? Solving Hardships through System Change ** Sharing data analyses coupled with storytelling for solutions that work for our families and help inform policy changes ** 1st Focus Area: Utilities Family Forum on Utilities 12 -15 families | 2-hour working session Families experiences on highly used solutions (Disconnection, Medical Certificate Waiver, & PIP)
Top Needs Selected by Families Access to Services Food Housing* Access to Services - connecting families with agencies & organizations that offer various benefits Food domain primarily formula assistance Families selected Housing when they had Utility Needs or concerns around safe, affordable housing. *Housing is considered a long-term need to solve through system change
Carley Riley | Improvement Team Lead CONTACT US Carley Riley | Improvement Team Lead Connie Stewart | Quality Improvement Consultant Brittney Delev | Data Analyst Associate Kristen Gasperetti | Project Specialist