Survey of the Old Testament Chapter 11 Joshua
The Writing of the Book Composition Historicity “Hexateuch" theory Deuteronomistic school Historicity Etiological legend? Archeology Bimson's theory Photo: Circumcision in Israel was a mark of God's covenant, but was a practice elsewhere in the ancient world for other reasons. This relief in the Egyptian tomb of Ankmahor depicts a priest performing circumcision.
The Background Events occur between the expulsion of the Hyksos and the invasion of the Sea Peoples The importance of strategic trade routes Nominal Egyptian control Map: The Conquest
Purpose and Message Not about the courage and godliness of Joshua Not a military record of the conquest Oriented toward the role of God in keeping his covenant promise Photo: Gibeon: In Joshua 9 the Gibeonites use a ruse to make a treaty with Israel, and in Joshua 10 the city is besieged by a Canaanite coalition, "because Gibeon was an important city, like one of the royal cities" (Josh 10:2).
Structure and Organization The entering of the land Conquest narratives Territorial boundaries Covenant renewal Map: The Conquest
Major Themes Covenant and Land The Ban The Divine Warrior Sovereign Involvement Corporate Solidarity Map: The Conquest