Sunday School Theme: The Family Adolescents Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
Family, project of God “But you shall go to my country and to my family, and take a wife for my son Isaac.” Genesis 24:4 Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
At this time God established the family and blessed them. God created the man and saw that it was not good that he lived alone. So he created the woman At this time God established the family and blessed them. ADAM EVE Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
Isaac's wife would have to be of Abraham's kindred. Abraham wanted his son to marry. So he sent Eliezer to find him a bride Isaac's wife would have to be of Abraham's kindred. ELIEZER ABRAHAM Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
Eliezer prayed to God and asked Him for a sign Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
Before he had finished praying, Eliezer saw Rebekah and she went to meet him. The sign was fulfilled! ELIEZER REBEKAH Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
Eliezer went to Rebekah's house Eliezer went to Rebekah's house. Her family asked her: “Will you go with this man?" ELIEZER REBEKAH Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
Isaac and Rebekah married Isaac and Rebekah married. God blessed them, because they were faithful to Him all the days of their lives ISAAC REBEKAH Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
After you turn 15! When will you begin a courtship to marry a servant of the Lord? After you turn 15! Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
The world is teaching things contrary to God's Word on family formation DATING EARLY PERVERTED TEACHINGS FAMILY REPLACED CHANGE IN CUSTOMS BAD INFLUENCES Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
The Word of God does not change! God determined what the family would be like: It begins with the union of a man with a woman The Word of God does not change! Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson 11
Let's pray for our families Let's pray for our families. God wants to bless and save our family members! Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson
Question for the Adolescents How are families formed according to the Word of God? Answer: Through the union of a man and a woman. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 2nd lesson