TFL = Terrestrial Fractionation Line
Moon = Earth from an O isotope perspective
Achondrite (~differentiated) meteorites have uniform O isotopic compositions Distinct "Parent" bodies characterized by unique O isotopic compositions
Sun if addition of 16O rich material from nearby supernova Sun if processing of material within proto-solar nebula
X-wind Model for Proto-solar nebula (Shu et al. 1996) Figure courtesy MH Thiemens
Figure courtesy MH Thiemens Photo-chemical origin: Self-shielding of CO Self-shielded zone [17,18O]/[16O] hu 91 – 111 nm CO (C16O + C18O + C17O) Immediate consequence of self-shielding: d17O/d18O = 1 fractionation line 12C17O 12C18O 12C16O Observations: Depletion of 13CO/12CO ratio at the edge of the cloud Depletion of 12C18O/12C16O and 12C17O/12C16O at the edge of the cloud Figure courtesy MH Thiemens
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