By Mr Crowe Russia 1914 - 1917
Alexandra and Alexei
Russia in 1914 A huge country Ruled by the Romanovs Emperor in 1914 was Nicholas II His German wife was Alexandra His son Alexei suffered from haemophilia
The Russian People Many Russian people were peasant farmers – they were poor and illiterate Most of the land was owned by the nobility There was a growing URBAN population which worked in the factories – they lived in poor conditions So for most Russians life was hard
The Ruling class The Tsar was an AUTOCRAT – he held power He ruled with the support of The nobility The secret police – OKHRANA The army
The Duma This was a type of Parliament set up in 1905 after a revolution Nicholas II paid little attention to it
Into World War 1 In 1914 Russia entered the war It had a massive army BUT faced problems! It was badly equipped It was badly led by poor generals Supplies and communications were slow in Russia
Nicholas II takes charge of the army