The impact of FIH-1 on ASPP2 protein interactions.


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The impact of FIH-1 on ASPP2 protein interactions. The impact of FIH-1 on ASPP2 protein interactions. Schematic illustration of FIH-1-mediated changes in ASPP2 signalling. Hydroxylation by FIH-1 seems to trigger interaction between ASPP2 and Par-3, which is necessary for the interdependent localisation of both proteins to cell–cell contacts. The interaction of ASPP2 and the tumour suppressor p53 is not altered by the enzyme. Thus, FIH-1 may influence cell polarity signalling via ASPP2 while apoptotic signalling is not affected in cancer cells. OH: hydroxylation. Kirsten Janke et al. J Cell Sci 2013;126:2629-2640 © 2013. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd