Amphibians: Absorbs oxygen through their skins Frog notes Amphibians: Absorbs oxygen through their skins Liver: large, brownish colored organ covering most of the body cavity Function - It extracts Impurities (toxins and wastes) from the blood so they can be eliminated from the body. - It produces bile. Gallbladder: small greenish sac found under the liver Function - responsible for the storing bile. -a chemical that assists in digestion -involves in breakdown of fats Heart: triangular shape the pumps blood throughout the body.
Stomach: a large, firm, sac-like organ on the left side of the frog Female Frogs: Ovaries, Eggs, and Oviducts( coil like where eggs passes through and out of the cloaca) Male Frogs: Testes (reproductive organ) and Sperm storage - no separate ducts Kidneys and Testes share the a single duct through the cloaca. Heart: triangular shape the pumps blood throughout the body. **Food enters the mouth goes down the pharynx into the esophagus and then goes to the stomach.** Stomach: a large, firm, sac-like organ on the left side of the frog Function : the storage sac for food and mixes it w/ enzymes to begin digestion. Pancreas: found in the mesentery between 1st coil of the small intestine and the stomach -on top of stomach yellowish, ribbon like Function: involve in producing enzymes for digestion.
Large Intestine: posterior organ of the digestive system Small Intestine: a long, folded, tube like organ that is posterior to the stomach Function: the primary organ that absorbs nutrients into the blood stream Duodenum: 1st part of the small intestine. Illeum: the coiled part of the small intestine. Mesentery- membranous structure ( highly vascularized) that is attached to the small intestine. - contains blood vessels in both bring in oxygen to the intestine but also absorbs nutrients being released through the walls of the intestine. Spleen: small, spherical like bag hanging in the mesentery of the small intestine and near the large intestine Function- makes RBC (stores blood and stores) Large Intestine: posterior organ of the digestive system Function: stores undigested food - where water is absorbed out of the its contents of the intestine and leaving solid/fecal matters that is passed out of the cloaca.
Fat Bodies: yellow, spaghetti looking organs found on either side of the frog Function: masses of fat needed for hibernation and mating Kidneys: elongated brownish organs found in the lower part of the frog’s abdomen Function: separated waste from water products (concentrated urine) Lungs: anterior end of the body on either side of the heart Function: responsible for obtaining oxygen from the air and expelling carbon dioxide.
Cloaca: the hole