Volunteer Recruitment Training 2010 SEIU Local 1000 Volunteer Recruitment Training 2010
Current Situation Budget “Crisis” California Governor’s Race Threat of minimum wage California Governor’s Race Threat of Meg Whitman who has threatened to cut state services. Electing in Jerry Brown a candidate who has a proven track record of being their for public sector employees. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission – big business is now considered an individual with the “freedom of speech”. Introduction (7 min) Talking about why volunteering is important, especially for the upcoming November Election. Reminding people of the urgency that is currently going on (budget, contract, attacks against the public sector, min. wage)
What Meg Whitman is saying… For months, Whitman has been promising to slash the state payroll "by at least 40,000 employees” "Every year, we pay more to sustain an out-of-control state bureaucracy -- a wasteful bureaucracy, out of touch with the needs of Californians. And a selfish and arrogant bureaucracy, unwilling to give an inch even in the toughest of economic times.“ http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/id/223482
How do we fight back? Budget Crisis California’s Governor Race Elect in people who will stand up for State workers and be our champion, by volunteering! California’s Governor Race Defeat Meg Whitman and show her that she can’t buy her way into California, by volunteering! Phone banking, precinct walking, and dogging her everywhere she goes. Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission Volunteer, for every volunteer we have on the ground is equal to $1,000 from big business. They may have unlimited resources but we have the power of the people. How do we fight back (3 min)
Who here has volunteered, and why... What was your experience? What was your strategy to recruit people at your worksite to volunteer with you? Brainstorm in groups (10 min) Be sure that each group comes up with – Somebody I know asked me! Loyalty to the union Care a lot about the issue/policy Want social interaction Looking for future employment or other opportunity Have a personal connection to someone already involved Looking for recognition
Rule of Halves Imagine you need to turn out 20 people for a phone bank. Assume one in 4 you ask will say yes if you are asking people you know personally. Assume as few as one in 10 if you don’t know them personally! Assume at least 50% flake factor among yes’s. Figure out how many people you need to ask to get to your goal. Explaining the math of turn out (5 min)
Let’s do the Math Turnout Goal for your event = 20 YES’s Goal = Turnout Goal / .5 = 20/.5 = 40 ASK Goal – YES’s GOAL x 4 = 40 x 4 = 160
Effectiveness of Different Forms of Communication for Volunteer Recruitment Flyer and bulletin board 8% will read, and less than 1% will contact you Email 10% will read; 1.3% will volunteer Phone call 15% will volunteer Face to Face Conversation 25% will volunteer Effectiveness of different forms of communication (3 min)
Developing your Volunteer “ask” Give a clear message about why the campaign you are working on is important. Describe the action you’re asking the person to turn out to. Explain it’s relevance to the whole campaign. Ask the person to do the specific thing you want them to do. Answer any questions or doubts. Stay focused! Have a clear YES or NO “ask” Wait for their answer. Let it be a little uncomfortable. Developing your “ask” – practice coming up with a plan and do an “ask” (30 min) Go over the “ask” tips Hand out worksheet. Give people time to complete the worksheet, and then have them turn to their partner and each has a turn to give a rap (15 min) Have a couple people do a skit (Ray Reynolds?) Ask people to turn the paper over and fill out the five people they will go and recruit!
Now Let’s GO Recruit some Volunteers!!!!! SEIU Local 1000 Wrap up (5 min)