YE+3 Changes YE+3 X4A51 S4F04 Additions for TS ME+4/2/x chambers 19-April-05 YE+3 Changes Additions for TS ME+4/2/x chambers Add Maraton to X4A51 above present Maraton This Maraton powers VME+4/2 & CSC for TS +4/2 Add JB to X4 below present JB This JB connects to ME+4/1/05,06,07 And ME+4/2/09,10,11,12,13 VME+4/2 X4A51 YE+3 NEW Maraton S4F04 NEW JB 17-June-2009 CSC - ESSC June'09
19-April-05 Changes at S4F04 S4F04 ‘Present’ X4A51 Option 1 – Put 2nd OPFC for X4A51 in crate at top and move OPFC for X2J52 to bottom Option 2 – Put 2nd OPFC for X4A51 in middle and jumper 380VDC from top ‘Present’ X2J52 ‘Additional’ X4A51 ‘Moved’ X2J52 17-June-2009 CSC - ESSC June'09
19-April-05 Changes at S4F04 S4F04 ‘Present’ X4A51 Option 1 – Put 2nd OPFC for X4A51 in crate at top and move OPFC for X2J52 to bottom Option 2 – Put 2nd OPFC for X4A51 in middle and jumper 380VDC from top ‘Present’ X2J52 ‘Additional’ X4A51 17-June-2009 CSC - ESSC June'09
Discussion Which of these two options can be done? 19-April-05 Discussion Which of these two options can be done? Which should be done? Is there a 3rd option? 17-June-2009 CSC - ESSC June'09
YE+3 Full Installation YE+3 X2J52 X4A51 S4F04 19-April-05 YE+3 Full Installation Additions for TS ME+4/2/x chambers Add Maraton to X4A51 above present Maraton This Maraton powers VME+4/2 & CSC for TS +4/2 Add JB to X4 below present JB This JB connects to ME+4/1/05,06,07 And ME+4/2/09,10,11,12,13 VME+4/2 X2J52 X4A51 YE+3 NEW Maraton S4F04 NEW JB 17-June-2009 CSC - ESSC June'09