Forces and their interactions AQA FORCES – part 1 Each Kg has a gravitational pull of 9.8N. Unit Newton (N) 1N Kilo Kilonewton (KN) = 1000 1X 103 Mega Meganewton (MN) = 1000,000 1 X 106 Force Push or pull Stretch, squash, turn. Contact force Exerted between two objects when they touch Friction, air resistance, tension. Non-contact force Exerted between two objects without touching Gravity, electrostatic forces, magnetic forces. Resolving forces An object pulled with a force at an angle A single force can be split into two components acting at right angles to each other. The component forces combined have the same effect. Gravitational field strength Gravity exerted around an object. Earth’s gfs = 9.8N/kg Centre of mass The weight of an object acts through a single point Weight = mass X gravitational field strength W = m X g Resultant force The overall effect of all of the forces acting upon an object Two forces acting in the same direction are added. Two forces acting in the opposite direction are taken away. HIGHER ONLY Free body diagram Show magnitude and direction of all forces upon an object Weight Force acting upon an object due to gravity Newton (N) Mass How much matter Kilograms (Kg) Gravity Work done against frictional forces, temperature of object rises. Object moves left with a force of 5N Forces and their interactions Contact and Resultant forces If force is at right angles to direction of movement, NO work is done. Scalar A quantity that only has magnitude (size) e.g. mass, time, speed, temperature, energy, Vector A quantity that only has magnitude and direction e.g. force, velocity, momentum AQA FORCES – part 1 Work done and energy transfer Work done When work is done, energy is transferred Work done = force X distance moved W = F X s 1J of work is done when 1N of force moves an object through a distance of 1m, in the direction of the force. Scalar and vector quantities An arrow can be used to show vectors Length of arrow = magnitude of vector Direction of arrow = direction of vector PHYSICS ONLY Moments, levers and gears Forces and elasticity M = F X d One force The object changes speed or direction More than one force The object changes shape Two balanced forces can stretch a object. Two balanced forces can compress an object. Three balanced forces can bend an object. Moment = force X distance Velocity Speed + direction The speed of a car is 30m/s. A car moves forward with a velocity of 30m/s Distance How far The table is 1m long Displacement Distance + direction The beach is 1km due east of the town Moment Turning effect of a force about a pivot Elastic deformation The object has been stretched but returns to its original length Inelastic deformation The object has been stretched but does not return to its original length Extension The difference between stretched and unstretched lengths Lever A small force exerted with a long lever applies a large force Limit of proportionality Beyond this point the spring is permanently deformed Area Metres squares (m2) Weight Newton (N) Mass Kilograms (kg) Gravitational field strength Newton per kilogram (N/Kg) Force Work done Joules (J) Distance Metres (m) Moment Newton-metres (Nm) Gears Increase or decrease the rotational effect of a force Principle of moments In a balanced system, the sum of the clockwise moments = the sum of the anti-clockwise moments Stretching a spring Force = spring constant X extension, F = k X e EPE = ½ X spring constant X (extension)2, EPE = ½ ke2 Pressure HIGHER ONLY Pressure = Force ÷ Area Fluid A liquid or gas Flows and changes shape to fill a container. Elastic Potential energy (EPE) Energy stored in a stretched spring P = F ÷ A Pressure and depth Pressure on divers depends on weight of water above Force Newton (N) Spring constant Newton per metre (N/m) Extension Metres (m) EPE Joules (J) Atmospheric pressure Caused by billions of air particles colliding with a surface. Upthrust Resultant force exerted by a fluid Hydraulic machine Use liquids to transmit pressure Pressure = height X density X gfs
Forces and their interactions AQA FORCES – part 1 Each Kg has a gravitational pull of 9.8N. Newton (N) 1N Kilonewton (KN) = 1000 1X 103 Meganewton (MN) = 1000,000 1 X 106 Push or pull Stretch, squash, turn. Exerted between two objects when they touch Friction, air resistance, tension. Exerted between two objects without touching Gravity, electrostatic forces, magnetic forces. An object pulled with a force at an angle A single force can be split into two components acting at right angles to each other. The component forces combined have the same effect. Gravity exerted around an object. Earth’s gfs = 9.8N/kg The weight of an object acts through a single point Weight = mass X gravitational field strength W = m X g The overall effect of all of the forces acting upon an object Two forces acting in the same direction are added. Two forces acting in the opposite direction are taken away. HIGHER ONLY Show magnitude and direction of all forces upon an object Force acting upon an object due to gravity Newton (N) How much matter Kilograms (Kg) Gravity Work done against frictional forces, temperature of object rises. Object moves left with a force of 5N Forces and their interactions Contact and Resultant forces If force is at right angles to direction of movement, NO work is done. A quantity that only has magnitude (size) e.g. mass, time, speed, temperature, energy, A quantity that only has magnitude and direction e.g. force, velocity, momentum AQA FORCES – part 1 Work done and energy transfer When work is done, energy is transferred Work done = force X distance moved W = F X s 1J of work is done when 1N of force moves an object through a distance of 1m, in the direction of the force. Scalar and vector quantities Length of arrow = magnitude of vector Direction of arrow = direction of vector PHYSICS ONLY Moments, levers and gears Forces and elasticity M = F X d The object changes speed or direction The object changes shape Two balanced forces can stretch a object. Two balanced forces can compress an object. Three balanced forces can bend an object. Moment = force X distance Speed + direction The speed of a car is 30m/s. A car moves forward with a velocity of 30m/s How far The table is 1m long Distance + direction The beach is 1km due east of the town Turning effect of a force about a pivot The object has been stretched but returns to its original length The object has been stretched but does not return to its original length The difference between stretched and unstretched lengths A small force exerted with a long lever applies a large force Limit of proportionality Beyond this point the spring is permanently deformed Metres squares (m2) Newton (N) Kilograms (kg) Newton per kilogram (N/Kg) Joules (J) Metres (m) Newton-metres (Nm) Increase or decrease the rotational effect of a force In a balanced system, the sum of the clockwise moments = the sum of the anti-clockwise moments Force = spring constant X extension, F = k X e EPE = ½ X spring constant X (extension)2, EPE = ½ ke2 Pressure HIGHER ONLY Pressure = Force ÷ Area A liquid or gas Flows and changes shape to fill a container. Energy stored in a stretched spring P = F ÷ A Pressure on divers depends on weight of water above Newton (N) Newton per metre (N/m) Metres (m) Joules (J) Caused by billions of air particles colliding with a surface. Resultant force exerted by a fluid Use liquids to transmit pressure Pressure = height X density X gfs
Forces and their interactions AQA FORCES – part 1 Each Kg Unit Kilo Mega Force Contact force Non-contact force Resolving forces The component forces Gravitational field strength Centre of mass Weight = W = m X g Resultant force HIGHER ONLY Free body diagram Weight Mass Gravity Work done Object moves Forces and their interactions Contact and Resultant forces If force is at right angles Scalar Vector AQA FORCES – part 1 Work done and energy transfer Work done Scalar and vector quantities An arrow can be used to show vectors PHYSICS ONLY Moments, levers and gears Forces and elasticity M = F X d One force More than one force Two balance Two balanced Three balanced Moment = Velocity Distance Displacement Moment Elastic deformation Inelastic deformation Extension Lever Limit of proportionality Area Weight Mass Gravitational field strength Force Work done Distance Moment Gears Principle of moments Stretching a spring Pressure HIGHER ONLY Pressure = Fluid Elastic Potential energy (EPE) P = F ÷ A Pressure and depth Force Spring constant Extension EPE Atmospheric pressure Upthrust Hydraulic machine Pressure =
Forces and their interactions AQA FORCES – part 1 Each Kg Weight = W = HIGHER ONLY Gravity Work done Object Forces and their interactions Contact and Resultant forces If force AQA FORCES – part 1 Work done and energy transfer Scalar and vector quantities PHYSICS ONLY Moments, levers and gears Forces and elasticity M = Pressure HIGHER ONLY P = Pressure =
AQA FORCES – part 2 Observing and recording motion Aeroplane banks to change direction Velocity changes. Car travelling around a bend Constant speed, direction changes. Satellite orbiting the Earth Distance travelled Area under the graph shape Constant acceleration (final velocity) 2 – (initial velocity) 2 = 2 X acceleration X distance V2 – u2 = 2 X a X s HIGHER ONLY Gradient = vertical ÷ horizontal Accelerating objects It takes time for objects to reach top speed Draw a tangent to the curve, work out gradient. Velocity-time graph Shows speed of an object Falling objects accelerate due to gravity. In no air resistance, objects accelerate at 9.8m/s2 Air resistance slows falling objects down. Falling objects Changing velocity Objects in a circular motion, change direction but keep a constant speed Accelerating Object getting faster Decelerating Object slowing down Terminal velocity Weight of an object is balanced by resistive forces Object moves at a constant velocity. Resultant force = 0. Velocity The speed of an object with direction Vector HIGHER ONLY Acceleration = change in velocity ÷ time taken PHYSICS ONLY Parachuting Size of air resistance depends on area of object and speed Larger the area, the larger the air resistance. Larger the speed, the larger the air resistance. Speed of sound 330m/s. HIGHER ONLY Acceleration Change in velocity Vector Speed = distance ÷ time v = s ÷ t Distance-time graph Shows how far an object moves along a straight line Speed of object Use the gradient of graph Forces, acceleration and Newton’s Laws of motion Speed How fast an object moves Scalar Displacement Includes the distance and direction an object moves vector Distance How far an object moves scalar Inertia When objects continue in the same state of motion Speed or direction only changes if a resultant force acts on the object Describing motion Acceleration is proportional to resultant force. Acceleration is inversely proportional to mass. HIGHER ONLY Car on motorway 30m/s Train 60m/s Jet plane 200m/s Walking 1.5m/s Running 3m/s Cycling 6m/s Speed is rarely constant. AQA FORCES – part 2 Newton’s first Law Balanced forces When the resultant force on an still object = 0, the object is stationary. When the resultant force on a moving object = 0, the object is at a constant speed. Newton’s second Law Unbalanced forces When the resultant force is greater than 0, the object accelerates. It could speed up, slow down or change direction. Newton’s third Law Equal and opposite forces When two objects interact the forces exerted are equal and in an opposite direction. Observing and recording motion Speed affects both thinking and braking distances. Frictional forces decelerate a moving object and bring it to rest. Forces and braking Thinking distance Distance travelled whilst the driver reacts Braking distance Distance travelled whilst the car is stopped by the brakes Stopping distance Total thinking and braking distances Force = mass X acceleration HIGHER ONLY F = m X a Typical reaction time = 0.7s Inertial mass How difficult it is to change the velocity of an object Inertial mass = force ÷ acceleration If the mass is large, to change velocity a big force is needed. Momentum HIGHER ONLY Speed / velocity Metres per second (m/s) Distance Metres (m) Time Seconds (s) Acceleration Metres per second squared (m/s2) Force Newton (N) Mass Kilogram (Kg) Momentum Kilograms metres per second (Kgm/s) Is a vector p = m X v Crumple zones Factors affecting stopping distances Drivers reaction times Drinking alcohol, taking drugs, tired. Braking distances Weather conditions, worn brakes or tyres, road surface, size of braking force. Momentum = mass X velocity Conservation of momentum When two objects collide, the momentum they have before the collision = the momentum they have after the collision Closed system = no external forces acting on it. Changes in momentum Force is applied to stop momentum If momentum changes slowly, the force applied is small so less damage. HIGHER ONLY Braking and kinetic energy Work done by braking force, reduces kinetic energy Kinetic energy decreases, temperature of brakes increases due to frictional forces. PHYSICS HIGHER ONLY
AQA FORCES – part 2 Observing and recording motion Velocity changes. Constant speed, direction changes. Area under the graph shape (final velocity) 2 – (initial velocity) 2 = 2 X acceleration X distance V2 – u2 = 2 X a X s HIGHER ONLY Gradient = vertical ÷ horizontal It takes time for objects to reach top speed Draw a tangent to the curve, work out gradient. Shows speed of an object Falling objects accelerate due to gravity. In no air resistance, objects accelerate at 9.8m/s2 Air resistance slows falling objects down. Falling objects Objects in a circular motion, change direction but keep a constant speed Object getting faster Object slowing down Weight of an object is balanced by resistive forces Object moves at a constant velocity. Resultant force = 0. The speed of an object with direction Vector HIGHER ONLY Acceleration = change in velocity ÷ time taken PHYSICS ONLY Size of air resistance depends on area of object and speed Larger the area, the larger the air resistance. Larger the speed, the larger the air resistance. Speed of sound 330m/s. HIGHER ONLY Change in velocity Vector Speed = distance ÷ time v = s ÷ t Shows how far an object moves along a straight line Use the gradient of graph Forces, acceleration and Newton’s Laws of motion How fast an object moves Scalar Includes the distance and direction an object moves vector How far an object moves scalar When objects continue in the same state of motion Speed or direction only changes if a resultant force acts on the object Describing motion Acceleration is proportional to resultant force. Acceleration is inversely proportional to mass. HIGHER ONLY 30m/s 60m/s 200m/s 1.5m/s 3m/s 6m/s Speed is rarely constant. AQA FORCES – part 2 Balanced forces When the resultant force on an still object = 0, the object is stationary. When the resultant force on a moving object = 0, the object is at a constant speed. Unbalanced forces When the resultant force is greater than 0, the object accelerates. It could speed up, slow down or change direction. Equal and opposite forces When two objects interact the forces exerted are equal and in an opposite direction. Observing and recording motion Speed affects both thinking and braking distances. Frictional forces decelerate a moving object and bring it to rest. Forces and braking Distance travelled whilst the driver reacts Distance travelled whilst the car is stopped by the brakes Total thinking and braking distances Force = mass X acceleration HIGHER ONLY F = m X a Typical reaction time = 0.7s How difficult it is to change the velocity of an object Inertial mass = force ÷ acceleration If the mass is large, to change velocity a big force is needed. Momentum HIGHER ONLY Metres per second (m/s) Metres (m) Seconds (s) Metres per second squared (m/s2) Newton (N) Kilogram (Kg) Kilograms metres per second (Kgm/s) Is a vector p = m X v Crumple zones Drivers reaction times Drinking alcohol, taking drugs, tired. Braking distances Weather conditions, worn brakes or tyres, road surface, size of braking force. Momentum = mass X velocity When two objects collide, the momentum they have before the collision = the momentum they have after the collision Closed system = no external forces acting on it. Force is applied to stop momentum If momentum changes slowly, the force applied is small so less damage. HIGHER ONLY Work done by braking force, reduces kinetic energy Kinetic energy decreases, temperature of brakes increases due to frictional forces. PHYSICS HIGHER ONLY
AQA FORCES – part 2 Observing and recording motion Aeroplane banks to change direction Car travelling around a bend Satellite orbiting the Earth Distance travelled Constant acceleration HIGHER ONLY Gradient = Accelerating objects Velocity-time graph Falling objects In no air resistance, Air resistance Falling objects Changing velocity Accelerating Decelerating Terminal velocity Velocity HIGHER ONLY Acceleration = PHYSICS ONLY Parachuting Speed of sound HIGHER ONLY Acceleration Speed = v = s ÷ t Distance-time graph Speed of object Forces, acceleration and Newton’s Laws of motion Speed Displacement Distance Inertia Describing motion AQA FORCES – part 2 Acceleration is proportional to Acceleration is inversely proportional HIGHER ONLY Car on motorway Train Jet plane Walking Running Cycling Speed is Newton’s first Law Newton’s second Law Newton’s third Law Observing and recording motion Speed affects Frictional forces Forces and braking Thinking distance Braking distance Stopping distance Force = HIGHER ONLY F = m X a Typical reaction time = Inertial mass Momentum HIGHER ONLY Speed / velocity Distance Time Acceleration Force Mass Momentum p = m X v Crumple zones Factors affecting stopping distances Momentum = Conservation of momentum Changes in momentum HIGHER ONLY Braking and kinetic energy PHYSICS HIGHER ONLY
AQA FORCES – part 2 Observing and recording motion HIGHER ONLY Gradient = Falling objects In no air resistance, Air resistance Falling objects HIGHER ONLY PHYSICS ONLY . HIGHER ONLY v = Forces, acceleration and Newton’s Laws of motion Speed or direction Describing motion Acceleration is HIGHER ONLY Speed AQA FORCES – part 2 Observing and recording motion Speed affects Frictional forces Forces and braking HIGHER ONLY F = Typical Momentum HIGHER ONLY p = Crumple zones HIGHER ONLY PHYSICS HIGHER ONLY