P12 Photo Composition
The Target I consistently apply elements of effective photographic composition, and my photos are unique/advanced/etc. I can consistently take photos which have a clear center of interest and feature 1 or more elements of effective photographic composition: balance, rule of thirds, simplicity, framing, leading lines, pattern, viewpoint, and depth. I can apply elements of effective photographic composition inconsistently. I use photos with few to no elements of effective photographic composition.
Center of Interest The main focus of the photograph
Rule of Thirds Place your center of interest on one of the thirds lines
Balance When using the rule of thirds, be sure to avoid empty [unbalanced] space on the opposite side of the center of interest
Simplicity Shoot from an angle that allows for a quiet or uniform background
Framing Use objects in the foreground to frame the center of interest [in the background]
Leading Lines Use lines [of any type] to draw the eye to the center of interest
Pattern Shoot a pattern—or a break in a pattern
Viewpoint Try a different viewpoint—higher, lower, from the side, etc.
Depth Capture interesting elements in the foreground AND background
Your Turn Pick a theme and find an example of each technique.