Sometimes Good Things Go Badly Acts 14:8-18
God’s word was once again effective. The man needed God’s healing, physically. The man needed God’s healing, spiritually. Paul wanted to help. The man had faith in God and was healed.
Things went horribly sideways. They thought Paul & Barnabas were gods. They wanted to sacrifice to them.
Paul could not fix the problem. They tried to explain their humanity. They tried to explain about God. They tried to explain the miracle. The people would not listen.
What does this mean for me?
God’s word accomplishes His goal. He heals the whole person. Sometimes His healing is physical. His healing is always miraculous.
People often misunderstand God’s work. They may give the wrong credit. They misunderstand God’s purpose. They doubt God’s work.
Sometimes our efforts are futile. They may not want to hear the truth. They may not be ready. They may not understand. They may be deceived.