PRESENTATION GENERALE DU PROJET GLOBAL PRESENTATION OF THE PROJECT European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“ Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 European Commission – Directorate-General Justice, Freedom and Security Fédération des associations socio-judiciaires 1
THE PROJECT AIM To implement the VOM at the post sentence stage of the trial and make it « permanent » European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 2
THE MAIN ACTION STEP Step 1 The implementation preparatory phase Step 2 The implementation phase Step 3 The data compilation and analysis phase Step 4 The return and circulation phase European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 3
Step 1 The implementation preparatory phase The objectives of this phase: To find the implementation tools To find the experimentation places The ways of doing The existing legal support inventory Counting resources (technical, staff….) the conclusion of the phase (the results of this phase) To decide on appropriated legal supports To decide on the experimentation local place and the actors To decide on ways to exchange information European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 4
Step 2 The local implementation phase The objective of this phase : The practical implementation in the courts (jurisdiction) The data collection concerning the implementation The ways of doing: Use of the fixed framework (legal or experimental) Use of the techniques of VOM Use of a common evaluation frame work Phase conclusion : data collection by each country Evaluation of the project action European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 5
Step 3 The data compilation and analysis phase Phase aims To get right analysis elements To evaluate and analyze the action relevance To build recommendations (at the national and transnational level) The ways of doing Transferring data and analysis by each country Compiling data made by the steering committee Exchange of information between the steering committee and the national experts Conclusion de la phase The joint production of a partnership report Preparation of the final conference (Paris, December 2010) European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 6
Step 4 The return and circulation phase The objective of this phase Presentation of the action and its analysis (public restitution) Data circulation in order to increase the protagonists awareness To provoking thoughts on national legislation ? The ways of doing Organization of a transnational conference in Paris (December 2010) To invite magistrates, politicians etc… from partner countries to ensure wide communication of the wider communication of the conference by each participating country ( Publication of a summary report concerning the actions Communication in all the country partners Phase conclusion Communication of the report at The European Commission European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 7
ACTION TIMETABLE Step 1 The implementation preparatory phase 2008 2009 2009 Nov Déc Jan Feb mar apr may june july aug sep oct Step 3 The data compilation and analysis phase Step 2 The implementation phase 2009 2010 2010 Nov Dec Jan Feb mar apr may june july aug sep Step 4 The return and circulation phase 2010 oct Nov Dec 8/31/2019 8 European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 8
Structural organization of the project The project manager The Federation Citoyens et Justice supporting by the French Ministry of Justice The project partners Bulgaria : The National Bulgarian association of the mediators Italy : The Italian Ministry of Justice Spain : The Justice general direction of the Rioja government France : The 3 criminal courts and the 3 NGOs working in link with those courts (Marseille, Nantes et Pau) European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009 9
Structural project organization outline AT THE NATIONAL STAGE AT THE TRANSNATIONAL STAGE THE COORDINATOR EXPERT Role To make a link between the steering committee and the national action implementation situation To make a link between Citoyens et Justice and the national experts To coordinate the national action (To make the link between the experimental places) Who ? One coordinator per country Bulgaria : Marianna Dickova Italy : Francesco Marinaro Spain : Pilar Lasheras France : Véronique Dandonneau THE NATIONAL EXPERTS Role To contribute to the implementation of the action in each experimental chosen places To bring their technical knowledge to the action To take part in the evaluation Who? WE ARE ALL NATIONAL EXPERTS (Magistrates, mediators, political, NGOs…) THE STEERING COMMITTEE Role To spread information to the partners To bring a technical support to the partners To collect, to compare and to analyze the data To communicate the analysis to the partners Formation The project manager (Citoyens et Justice) The French Ministry of Justice A researcher (La Rioja University) Information Information 10
FORUMS European project "VOM at the post sentence stage“, Paris, 26th and 27th november 2009