02 | Getting Started with Arduino Chris Howd | Developer Content Planner, MS Paul Pardi | AppPlat Content Manager, MS
Module Overview What is Arduino? Arduino Boards, Clones, and Shields Installing and Configuring Arduino Software Language Reference and Libraries Visual Studio Basics Demo - Your first Arduino “sketch” program
What is Arduino
What is Arduino? Open source hardware platform and retail product line. Easy to understand programming language based on C++ Programmable via USB port using many of today’s PC operating systems Very affordable and popular with a strong community Extensible hardware using daughterboard “shields” Extensible software using C++ libraries
Arduino Boards, Clones, and Shields Arduino boards available today Shields are used to expand hardware capabilities Arduino clones: lots to choose from
Installing and Configuring Arduino Software
Installing and Configuring Arduino Software Arduino Web site resources Arduino installation using the Windows Installer Install Visual Studio and Visual Micro
Language Reference and Libraries Language Syntax for the Arduino Using Software Libraries
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Why Visual Studio and Visual Micro? Getting around in Visual Studio Menus Toolbars Windows
Your first Arduino “sketch” program
Review Arduino is a popular and well supported open source standard Robotics hardware is both affordable and accessible Programming a robot is not that different from other programming once you understand the interface to electronic devices (which is what you will be learning in this training).