3rd grade Parent Night Read to Achieve Presentation 2018 - 2019 3rd grade Parent Night Read to Achieve Presentation
Beginning of Grade Test STAR Lexile Level (725+) House Bill 950 – Goal is to have every student reading at or above grade level by the end of 3rd grade. This became a law in 2012 as the Excellent Public Schools Act. Multiple Opportunities to Show Proficiency – Good Cause Exemptions Beginning of Grade Test – Sept. 12th, 2018 Proficient scale score = 439 Proficiency level score = 3, 4, or 5 Letters with strategies and individual student reports will be sent home when given to GFES. Teacher/Parent conferences can be set up at that time Beginning of Grade Test STAR Lexile Level (725+) Read to Achieve Passages TRC level P or above EOG level 3, 4, or 5 Read to Achieve Re-test
mClass Assessments (Throughout the year) Red Yellow (Home Connect Letter) Green Dibels and TRC Reports Designed to help your student progress in fluency, word recognition, overall skill development, etc. Also, with TRC they are expected to read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts in verbal and written form. This is what gives them their levels of A – Z. Remember that at the beginning of 3rd grade your child should be reading at a level P.
Third Grade Portfolios Read to Achieve for Parents Read to Achieve Process 36 passages 2 – 3 passages a week GFES will start as soon as we can this year. All passages may not be completed. That is a teacher based decision. Passages are also based on the student as well. Passages have five questions total. Students must get 11 or greater out of 15 points to master a particular standard.
What happens if my student doesn’t get a good cause exemption or pass the EOG? Summer Camp Dates are not set for this year yet. Retention – Possible if… IF your student DOES NOT attend summer school ¾ Transition Classroom IF your student attends summer school but still needs more help
How can we help our children be successful? Encourage your child to read daily Model reading habits for your children Stay in touch with your child’s teacher Ask questions about what your child is reading Amp up the vocabulary used at home Encourage your child to DO THEIR BEST but DO NOT STRESS! Simple Reading Strategies
We are ALL in this TOGETHER! cgreene@caldwellschools.com khollar@caldwellschools.com