Medieval Times By Evie Davies
Flagellants Flagellants were the religious people of the Middle Ages who lived to resemble Jesus Christ as they treated themselves so badly. They whipped themselves every day so that Jesus wasn`t the only one who suffered. They only wore dishtowels around their privates as clothes would get ruined having been splattered with blood. They were like Christians today.
Knights Knights, as most people know, wear armour. But armour wasn`t just shiny and grey and metal. It was extremely heavy, to be more precise, 50kg. And the knights had to fight with that weight on their shoulders! Phew! That would be very, very tyring!!!!!
Black Death The symptoms of the Black Death were: You get an egg shaped lump in your armpits which is white. You start puking madly and sometimes you puke blood. The lumps in your armpits explode, letting out a foul-smelling black liquid (rotten blood). Unfortunatley, you die.
Shut up the riot! The Flagellants raised a riot, wanting bigger shares of money. Well, it got ugly. Murderous, even. Tyler was murdered by the mayor of London.
Kings ~ At Wat Tyler`s death scene, King Richard II, fourteen, was said to be the worst king ever, but that was only because he was young and ordered everyone involved in the Riot be murdered ( 1500 people). ~ “ That was on top of the people killed by the Riot and the Plague!” says Ella-may, 5G.
Thanks!!! Thank you!!! By Evie Davies, age 9,5G, Sandhills!!!