Board of Public Utilities August 17, 2017 PROPOSITION 1 GROUNDWATER PROGRAM GRANT PLANNING PROJECT FOR FREEWAY WELL Board of Public Utilities August 17, 2017
SUMMARY The State Water Resources Control Board (SWB) invited Santa Rosa Water to submit a Prop 1 grant application to evaluate the feasibility of addressing groundwater contamination in the vicinity of Freeway Well with the goal of determining whether the well can be returned to production.
BACKGROUND Freeway Well was built in 1957 (817 feet deep) at 1304 Cleveland Ave Was the City’s most productive well (750+ gpm) for nearly 30 years
BACKGROUND Routine testing revealed volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in 1984 Production halted. Disconnected from City system in 1994. Asset has been offline since.
Groundwater Contamination Near Freeway Well The Freeway Well site has no known or suspected releases of contamination on the property. Department of Public Health. While the Regional Water Quality Control Board does not know for certain the source of the Freeway Well contamination, it appears likely to be from nearby sites. Multiple Cleanup and Abatement Orders have been issued by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board for the area around the Freeway Well site from the late 1980s to mid 2000s. Although multiple responsible parties were identified, only one is continuing to provide remediation (Union Pacific Railroad). The remaining parties no longer exist or are insolvent.
Proposition 1 Groundwater Grant Program $800 million for projects that prevent or cleanup contamination of groundwater that serves or has served as a source of drinking water $80m for planning & monitoring $100k-$1m for per Planning Project 50% match (in-kind and/or cash) Competitive application process Could lead to implementation funding for “… planning and monitoring necessary for the successful design, selection, and implementation of the projects authorized…”. planning projects that are designed to lead to implementation projects that prevent or clean up contamination of an aquifer Another $80 million implementation projects for “treatment and remediation activities that prevent or reduce the contamination of groundwater that serves as a source of drinking water”
Proposition 1 Groundwater Grant Program Santa Rosa Water submitted pre- application in July 2016. SWB invited staff to submit a final application to seek funding to assess potential prevention and cleanup alternatives Final application is due Aug. 31st for “… planning and monitoring necessary for the successful design, selection, and implementation of the projects authorized…”. planning projects that are designed to lead to implementation projects that prevent or clean up contamination of an aquifer Another $80 million implementation projects for “treatment and remediation activities that prevent or reduce the contamination of groundwater that serves as a source of drinking water”
Santa Rosa Water Goals Restore critically needed asset Establish focused initiative with SWB, RWQCB, and DDW Determine the feasibility of wellhead treatment Address known and possibly new sources of groundwater contamination
Proposed Prop 1 Planning Project Evaluate feasibility of restoring Freeway Well to production Further determine the extent of contamination Develop alternatives to address contamination Secure funding to prepare environmental documents and implement clean-up measures
Proposed Scope of Work Site Assessment - records review, data gathering and compellation Site Characterization - test boring and monitoring well installation, and aquifer test Feasibility Study - assessing the feasibility of groundwater remediation and treatment Projected cost: $800,000, with 50 percent match $50k in kind (staff time & previous eligible expenditures) $350k cash (existing Groundwater Development Program