Persuasion in Advertising With a partner, find four different advertisements. One that contains primarily ethos, one pathos, one logos, and one that contains more than one type of persuasion. Cut them out of the magazine and on one separate sheet of paper, describe each advertisement and the type(s) of persuasion it is using. Make sure to explain what in the ad is ethos, pathos, or logos. Finally in a short paragraph, come up with which type of persuasion (ethos, pathos, or logos) you think is the most persuasive and why? You will present these to the class.
Persuasion in Action Situation: You forgot to do a major project for Science class, which could really hurt your grade and your GPA. You have to ask your teacher for an extension on the assignment. Directions: Using your knowledge of ethos, pathos, and logos, write three different monologues asking your science teacher to give you an extension (one using ethos, one using pathos, etc.). Which of your three persuasive monologues do you think would actually work? Why?
Using Persuasion in Writing Situation: You’ve just been pulled over by the cops. You were in the wrong, but you feel like you can talk your way out of it. Directions: Choose one of the persuasive techniques we’ve talked about to convince the cop to just give you a warning. Think about your audience. What kind of argument would a cop best respond to? The details of the crime and other facts are up to you. MAKE IT REALISTIC! NO PATHOS ARGUMENTS ABOUT SPEEDING TO THE HOSPITAL
Using Persuasion in Writing Writing for Different Audiences Now you have to borrow $5. You have three people to ask: Mr. Brune, a friend, and a parent. Think about your audience and what type of persuasion would work best on which person. For example: who would respond best to an argument with pathos? Use a different one for each. Write three short paragraphs asking for money from Mr. Brune, a friend, and a parent. Finally in a short paragraph, come up with which type of persuasion (ethos, pathos, or logos) you think is the most persuasive and why? Have your views changed since the magazine advertisement activity?
“Arguing w/ Aristotle Email” Assessment Directions You must find two examples of logos, two examples of pathos, and one example of ethos. Identify each by bracketing off lines and labeling the examples. On the back, explain how each example uses that type of persuasion. For example, explain how your pathos examples are playing off an emotion. You will have five explanations.